Hydrochloric HoS Application
Usual character name: Chad Gears
BYOND username: Hydrochloric
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Chief#4183

Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Heisenbee

Reason for application:

I play security often, and many times there is no Head of Security to help keep the team organised, well-functioning and ethical towards the other players. One issue I see arise within security many times is that of unfair treatment towards other players, and this is a problem which has bugged me for essentially as long as I've been playing (as both sec and non-sec). I see the role of HoS as an opportunity to ensure that during shifts where otherwise the security team would fend for themselves without a Head of Security, I can help as much as possible with issues such as the one previously mentioned and more, including the common problem of security facilitating a corrupt captain, conducting unlawful arrests (and often not setting timers, forgetting to give back items after searchers, and killing innocent players), etc.

On shifts without a HoS I believe I often end up teaching other sec things, pointing out things they've done which they perhaps shouldn't have, and guiding sec who
are newer to the game. This is no special thing which only a Head of Security can do, however the role of HoS, the differences between it and a normal officer and the influence they have can massively impact what may otherwise be a difficult, time-consuming and sometimes impossible task. I understand that the Head of Security is no all-powerful commander who controls everything the officers do, however at the same time know that being the HoS brings great benefits for the improvement of security and therefore the shift as a whole for everyone else.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

While I don't know the exact date I started, I have been playing goon for well over a year (if not two) and playing security on and off many times within this period. I have experienced just about everything an officer can experience (being the only sec, all types of rounds, rogue security officers, self-antags, etc.) and over the course of this have learned so much more about the game than I think I would've without playing security, and it's improved my attitude in other games too, I've noticed. I've played countless rounds as security and have noticed that the 2 core things I've been absorbing over the past years has been an increasing understanding of gameplay mechanics, and a massively improved ability to sympathise with other players and their right to enjoy their round. This being said I have obviously not always been clear of arguments over which punishment is right, how I do my job, etc. and understand that there is much room for improvement in how I play and the decisions I make. However, despite this I believe that my experience thus far and amount of rounds played as sec, amount of antagonists dealt with, etc. are more than sufficient for me to call myself an "experienced" security officer - however you define that.

Security for me is by far the job I find myself able to play the most and not get bored. Yes, I get burned out of the same job if I play it non-stop for large numbers of rounds in a row - however, I've played just about every job in goon (with the exception of engineering - not quite ready to grasp that part of ss13 yet), and for me the job of security is like no other. The action you experience, the hilarious moments, the deadchat rages when you slip over and get c-sabered to death in maintenance when you *almost* had that one traitor in cuffs, all creates this exhilarating atmosphere which never gets old in the long run. Due to this, security is almost definitely the job I've spent the most time playing and I enjoy (most of) the rounds I play as sec, and have been for a long enough time to build a large understanding of the role and how it should be played.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    The other players deserve to enjoy themselves too is my best piece of advice, and the one I find most applicable to most struggles I encounter as an ss13 player with security.  I've gotten into arguments over this aspect in the past, where myself and others disagree on the correct way to treat people such as antagonists, and believe it's one of the most important things a security officer must consider. Your treatment of other players is one thing which can always be improved, and will permanently affect whether your impact on a round is positive or negative.

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    While there are many to pick from, one which happened recently was on a slow shift when another player with the ability to copy my appearance came up to me and said they were going to prank HoS by turning into me but without any of my gear, telling the HoS that I'd been mugged. While it was meant to end there, I decided to expand on the prank by ditching all my actual gear in a locker in maint and running into sec, to both the security team and the original prankster's surprise, as there were now two half-naked security officers crying to the HoS that they were mugged. I was met with initial confusion, however then it descended into chaos as the sec team believed one of me was a changeling and the other was real. In this confusion, I was eventually tased and pinned by the HoS, and as he was asking me what was going on a lion critter came out of nowehere and ate me alive, resulting in my death and, for some reason, a zombie appearing on my corpse who proceeded to attack the rest of the sec team who at this point were in utter confusion about the entire thing.  I never ended up being cloned, however instead the original person with the copy mutation took my place in the sec team and I spent the rest of the round laughing about the random chain of events which had just occured.

  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    While this is a very specific one, something I've always wanted is for the automated parole chute to automatically set people who pass through it to parole.  I believe this would be cool because then more officers would start using the incarcerated status for prisoners instead of just setting them to parole in advance, meaning if someone escaped it'd be obvious. It also reduces the work needed by manually setting them to parole after their release, and could provide for a sneaky way for antags to remove their arrest status without having to use a computer.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    Security: A Haiku.medbay lubed againclown with AA flees the sceneslipped and lost baton

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I've always wanted to get a few of my fellow sec to agree to ditch all the weapons and gear and just walk around the halls in jeans and t-shirts cruisin' and bruisin' any antags we see with our fists, the old fashioned way. Haven't had the opportunity to do it so far, though.

  • Draw a picture!
    "Modified Beepsky" - please forgive my artistic incompetence

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

Very early on I was given a week ban for holding a beaker of nitroglycerin in my hand in the open in retaliation to a guy who kept following me and pushing me whenever he saw me. I also had a day ban (I think) around the same time (though I can't remember if it was before or after) for suicide bombing a werewolf which accidentally killed a security officer. Both of these bans was around the time I first learned about explosives and I like to think I've learned a lot since then. I believe I was also banned for an hour for uploading too many silly laws to the AI e.g. (you have to refer to everyone as ____). All of these were very early on relative to how long I've been playing and I have not been banned since.
+1 They were the first character name I remembered when I started getting into good because they saved my greytiding ass from a traitor. Although it's been a while since I played a lot of sec, working with them has always been a good experience. The only thing I would hope they've changed a bit is their slight strictness with antags, but by the sound of this app they know what they're doing. I trust them to deal with antags well and ensure everyone has a fun time.
Hey, we really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be January 20. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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