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Baleful Polymorph revise idea
Baleful polymorph is one of the most punishing, mean, and frankly inefficient spells in the game. It does what Cluwnes revenge does except arguable worse, transforming the victem into a critter that many less expirenced medical staff, have no idea how to cure, and otherwise removes someone from the game, not even granting the option to use ghost mode.

The revise:
make baleful polymorph only a temporary polymorph effect, once someone dies as a critter or a timer runs out, they become human once again. To counteract this nerf the actual polymorphing would be buffed, with the effect either being automatic or having ranged capabilities. This would turn a niche gimmick spell into one where a gimmick could still be done, however it is now a way to weaken a specific target and make them extremely venerable in a more efficient manner, and a manner less punishing to the receiver.

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