(01-27-2022, 08:41 PM)ZeWaka Wrote: no such thing as a desync with other users in byond-land
Test 3: Attempted downgrading my BEYOND launcher to various older versions (until it was so old it crashed) with no change to lag performance.
NOTE: this cannot be a hardware issue as the problem persists on both my laptop, and PC.
spoke to another user who was using an older version of the BEYOND launcher, initial interaction resulted in mass lag, however once both them and I stood still talking, ping went down to normal. Once movement began again, lag increased.
As lag persisted around other users, even while I was running an older version than they were, it is concluded that beyond version DOES NOT = increase/decrease in lag.
However, player interaction does;
interaction with players at ~ 5pm PST there was no lag, the game ran smoothly without a hitch besides regular server side lag spikes. A few hours later on the same server the erratic lag was back.
Hypothetically this could mean multiple things:
-The local internet usage in my local residential area affects my upload/download performance, therefore later in the day when people are using the internet more often...
Will test connecting on another computer at another location.
-Connections from other users affect lag based on popular locational times for those users to connect.
Both these options however are complicated with the issue that the problem only started after the most recent update, and that even before the update, people were playing with older versions of BEYOND and connecting at usual times. My own internet and likely the local residential has not changed since the update either, making that more unlikely as well, however still the most likely issue.
Alternatively the issue is something completely unrelated :/
IMPORTANT NOTE: I run on South-Eastern Australian internet (known to be not as fast as the rest of the world) and that the connection to the US servers may be affected by various things...
(01-27-2022, 08:41 PM)ZeWaka Wrote: no such thing as a desync with other users in byond-land
Test 4:
I got my friend who lives in the same city as me but very far from me to test logging in, and the same issue occurred, jumping from ~100ms to ~2000+ when around other players.
This result confirms that the issue has something to do with Australian internet, specifically in this instance South Eastern.
Asking Australians on the Discord some say that around 7pm-9pm AET (at the peak) Australian ping skyrockets. However in the past it has not been like this, even at these times.
Will test again, at ~5pm PST