12-11-2020, 01:00 PM
Usual character name: Raven Starling as Security (Previously Ibis Harrier)
BYOND username: Varali
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Varali
Recommended by (if applicable): Jan.antilles, Nexusuxen, Varshie
Goon servers you play: RP Overflow and RP 1
Reason for application:
A quick summary for why I want to be HoS would be that I want to make sure everyone can have a fun and fair time during weird EU times and enhance people's rounds with HoS presence. I want to protect players and antagonists alike and help steer the round in fun directions while still keeping myself somewhat in the background instead of hogging the entire round for myself. If you want to know more about my reasons, read below at your own risk because I ramble a lot.
Since I'm in the EU and I play during inconsistent and weird hours, there's times where I join and there's either no Security at all or the ones that are there don't have the authority required to do a lot of things due to lacking Command staff or have little experience. Having the ability to join as a HoS during these hours would greatly help in making sure there's someone manning Security and able to help people with various things, but I also believe the presence of a HoS would invite more interesting and memorable roleplaying opportunities. I want to make sure other people are able to enjoy themselves during the lowpop times without rampaging antagonists, critters or a lack of Command in addition to bringing a HoS to more populated rounds to drive forward fun interactions.
Being whitelisted would help with coordinating Security, communicating with the crew and driving forward interesting narratives and stories in a round. I can do most things as a Security Officer, but people are much more open to being coordinated and organized by a HoS in addition to it opening up fun scenarios. And with the many tools and perks of a HoS, I'll be able to focus the crew and Security on interesting events and make nobody is being left out and unhappy. There are many times that a Security Officer discovers something fun unfolding, but deals with it all on their own or dies silently trying to do so. I'd love to organize more camaraderie and teamwork station-wide and help others enjoy the round too. Have doctors do autopsies and investigate causes of death, have Detectives actually solving crimes, make the Chef and Barman prepare deliveries to Security and much more.
I've also had enough of unjust punishments and abuse of power. I've had far too many Captains order executions for first time offenders committing minor crimes or ordering an antag borged for being discovered to be one. I want everyone, antags included, to have a fair and fun game. While yes, I can disapprove and refuse to listen to a Captains order as a Security Officer, there's been many times where my other Security Officers get bullied into it by the Captain or I'm not listened to. I'd like the ability to simply say no and leave it that. I'd also like the ability to be able to make sure nobody authorizes the Armory open without due reason, as I've seen far too many Command staff try to hack or open it simply for wanting cool gear. And of course to check for mentor mice eating the donuts in there.
I'd also want to be on the whitelist so I can occasionally play some of the whitelisted gimmick jobs for Halloween and other holidays. I'm a huge bird lover and not being able to play as a Crow during all of Halloween was heartbreaking to me. Of course I only discovered this after deciding I wanted to apply and it's a small stupid reason, but I'd prefer not to hide any reasons for wanting to be whitelisted.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I'm not entirely sure when I joined Goon but my goal was to learn and try to be competent at every role in the game. Eventually I got around to Security and fell in love with it. Something about it itches my love for helping people quite nicely. Thanks to great Security Officers on RPO I quickly learned the ins and outs of Security work, and being a Wiki nerd Space Law (and much more) is always up in a browser tab. I still have the habit of asking mentors for advice for odd and specific crimes though, I worry a lot about being fair in my sentencing.
Thankfully, the RP servers aren't very chaotic so for most part my handy TicketMaster can handle most things with the occasional brig time. I try to use my TicketMaster a lot, since I've found out that players quite enjoy tickets and it's an excellent tool to de-escalate situations and make people move on during personal arguments. I find it really relaxing to just patrol and make sure everyone's doing okay, talking to the crew and being an approachable officer people can trust.
I find Security Record updating to be quite important nowadays, as nothing sucks more than latejoining as Security and not having a clue what has happened or why someone is on arrest, in the brig or paroled. I try to brief laterjoiners on the current situation and point out any notable people they should read the security records of. I also try to involve other Officers into all my arrests and cases to try and bring more interaction and roleplaying into action. In character, I consider it a way to counteract any personal bias from the probably hectic arrest, but it's definitely so I don't do everything on my own while the other Officer patrols disposals all shift.
Now actual combat is where I'm probably the weakest by far. I still consider myself.. quite unrobust, but since I play on RP there's rarely situations that call for anything extreme. A few chases here and there, the occasional shootout. And I feel like it's quite fitting for my character who tries to use minimal force to not be the most powerful hand-to-hand combat specialist in the galaxy. But in the end, even if I become known as the most unrobust HoS in the world, I'd still love to be one as even in the worst emergencies I'll do my best to coordinate the crew to minimize casualties and organize my Security Team to work together like a well-oiled machine so that emergencies don't come down to "is the HoS a robust god or not". As a wise monkey once said, apes together strong.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
1. Don't hog all the fun!
Sure, you may have arrested this person who you caught killing the HoP, but that doesn't mean you should be the one to arrest, brig, search interrogate them as well as question the HoP, investigate the crime scene and finally judge them. Let other Security Officers help you. Teach new Security Officers by involving them and having them take charge. Ask to team up for certain activities. Work together with your colleagues for a more fun experience for all. There's no item or equipment in the game more powerful than having another friend with you. Not only does this counteract any built up biases by involving multiple people, but by splitting up work, more people get to have fun and create memorable moments and you get to relax and take a shower so you don't stink during the shuttle ride home.
2. Communicate!
For gods sake people, communicate. There are far too many times where I have to tell people to report in as I haven't seen them in 15 minutes and they're dead silent over comms. There's also far too many times as an antag that I watch an Officer run in and die trying to catch me, without having reported in at all. You're not a lone wolf, speak up, at least talk over General Radio! And of course the great Security trope of every Officer responding to the same scene. Just communicate, ask who's closest and who's heading there and agree on one or two people to meet up there while the rest continue their patrols or work. Communication is also important for dealing with antagonists. An antagonist is much more likely to engage in fun roleplaying situations if you start off by talking to them instead of whipping out your taser. De-escalate situations, talk to witnesses, do everything you can with your voice before you resort to unnecessary violence.
3. Update Security Records!
It's great downtime as you wait for them to get released and it helps any latejoiners catch up on what's going on. Use it as a good time to teach new Security Officers how to use the computer to set people to arrest as well! It doesn't have to be a lot of work either, just add their crimes and what you've done to them. Example: Major Crimes: Killing the Captain. Details: Ticketed, fined, farted on and brigged for 4 minutes.
4. It's okay to die.
As a Security Officer, you may often die or get attacked. After all, you are the major threat to any antagonist and having you out of the way makes their life easier. But don't hold it personally if you die and don't be upset about it! You have a clone disk you can entrust to the HoS, MD or someone you trust, making you one of the most replaceable people on the station. Death is also a great storytelling tool for the crew! If it could make a great story and memorable moment, it can be fun to get killed. It might unite the crew to avenge you or make your colleagues give you a nice, expensive funeral with sobbing attendants and salutes all around.
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my most memorable moments is when I was an antagonist running from Security and I wanted to sneak onto the escape shuttle. I put on a light cyborg costume and sat at Escape waiting without my PDA. Cue the HoS walking up and raising his eyebrow. Instead of him examining me and arresting me on the spot for clearly being who he's chasing, he starts questioning me and telling me to state my laws. I make up some fun laws out of sheer terror and he's impressed about these new models of Cyborgs and just lets me onto the shuttle with my heart pounding. A great example of rewarding and encouraging fun roleplay among crew rather than just being an efficient arrest machine.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When I'm a lone Security Officer, I try to make full use of everything I have available. Securitrons are my partners, flashers are my defenses, cameras are my patrols. I try to get on the good side of the crew and let people know to report things to me in case they spot anything in exchange for a candy bar. I'll try to be careful, but I'll still play with minimal force. Usually I won't carry anything extra that I wouldn't normally carry. I'm not a fan of carrying riot armor, a shotgun, smelling salts and calomel with me at all times "just in case", plus crew are much more social if they see you walk up in a Hawaiian shirt with no armor.
When there's more Officers, I definitely try to be the one driving communications and making sure everyone is doing well and handling things. I usually like to split up the station so everyone is patrolling one part and I try to encourage staying on comms at all times. Crisis Alert is honestly my favorite tool for playing with a lot of other Security members, it's a lot more powerful to use in an emergency than a weapon. Crisis Alert and barrier up until backup arrives will more often than not end up better than you trying to handle it alone while screaming over comms. Lastly, I try to take more of a background role at times. I don't mind not being involved in every case and arrest. I try to make sure everyone gets to do something fun and just make sure everything's under control and the round is going in a positive direction.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Caw caw, here comes the law.
Tweet tweet, don't try to greet.
Gobble gobble, they're here to squabble.
Hoot hoot, prep your lawsuit.
Chirp chirp, hold in your burp.
Quack quack, they're here to whack.
Squawk squawk, they've got the clock.
Coo coo, they're onto you.
Cluck cluck, don't test your luck.
Chitter chatter, they're here to batter.
Peep peep, run or you'll weep.
Caw caw, down with the bourgeois.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Paperwork as punishment. Way too much paperwork. Sadly I haven't had a good time to do it since I don't want to just insist on doing paperwork when there's crazy stuff going on, but I'd love to enforce essays for prisoners so they can write about how they understand why what they did is wrong and that they're very sorry. Minimum 1000 words. Gives them something to do during brig time and lets me scold them about them only writing one sentence insulting me when their brig time is over. Plus if I brig them for 30 seconds I can demand a 10k word essay!
I'd also love to enforce community service over brig time. Send prisoners out to work the mineral magnet with electropacks if they run, or have prisoners cook food or prepare medicine. Try to focus on roleplay and rehabilitation rather than just have prisoners in a room for five minutes, essentially. Of course this relies on the prisoner playing along, but I think many on RP would happily do so for a much shorter sentence. Cook a fine meal of spaghetti or be in the brig for two minutes, your choice, scum!
Draw a picture!
Here's a raven with a lawbringer, not to be confused with Raven with a lawbringer.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
BYOND username: Varali
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Varali
Recommended by (if applicable): Jan.antilles, Nexusuxen, Varshie
Goon servers you play: RP Overflow and RP 1
Reason for application:
A quick summary for why I want to be HoS would be that I want to make sure everyone can have a fun and fair time during weird EU times and enhance people's rounds with HoS presence. I want to protect players and antagonists alike and help steer the round in fun directions while still keeping myself somewhat in the background instead of hogging the entire round for myself. If you want to know more about my reasons, read below at your own risk because I ramble a lot.
Since I'm in the EU and I play during inconsistent and weird hours, there's times where I join and there's either no Security at all or the ones that are there don't have the authority required to do a lot of things due to lacking Command staff or have little experience. Having the ability to join as a HoS during these hours would greatly help in making sure there's someone manning Security and able to help people with various things, but I also believe the presence of a HoS would invite more interesting and memorable roleplaying opportunities. I want to make sure other people are able to enjoy themselves during the lowpop times without rampaging antagonists, critters or a lack of Command in addition to bringing a HoS to more populated rounds to drive forward fun interactions.
Being whitelisted would help with coordinating Security, communicating with the crew and driving forward interesting narratives and stories in a round. I can do most things as a Security Officer, but people are much more open to being coordinated and organized by a HoS in addition to it opening up fun scenarios. And with the many tools and perks of a HoS, I'll be able to focus the crew and Security on interesting events and make nobody is being left out and unhappy. There are many times that a Security Officer discovers something fun unfolding, but deals with it all on their own or dies silently trying to do so. I'd love to organize more camaraderie and teamwork station-wide and help others enjoy the round too. Have doctors do autopsies and investigate causes of death, have Detectives actually solving crimes, make the Chef and Barman prepare deliveries to Security and much more.
I've also had enough of unjust punishments and abuse of power. I've had far too many Captains order executions for first time offenders committing minor crimes or ordering an antag borged for being discovered to be one. I want everyone, antags included, to have a fair and fun game. While yes, I can disapprove and refuse to listen to a Captains order as a Security Officer, there's been many times where my other Security Officers get bullied into it by the Captain or I'm not listened to. I'd like the ability to simply say no and leave it that. I'd also like the ability to be able to make sure nobody authorizes the Armory open without due reason, as I've seen far too many Command staff try to hack or open it simply for wanting cool gear. And of course to check for mentor mice eating the donuts in there.
I'd also want to be on the whitelist so I can occasionally play some of the whitelisted gimmick jobs for Halloween and other holidays. I'm a huge bird lover and not being able to play as a Crow during all of Halloween was heartbreaking to me. Of course I only discovered this after deciding I wanted to apply and it's a small stupid reason, but I'd prefer not to hide any reasons for wanting to be whitelisted.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I'm not entirely sure when I joined Goon but my goal was to learn and try to be competent at every role in the game. Eventually I got around to Security and fell in love with it. Something about it itches my love for helping people quite nicely. Thanks to great Security Officers on RPO I quickly learned the ins and outs of Security work, and being a Wiki nerd Space Law (and much more) is always up in a browser tab. I still have the habit of asking mentors for advice for odd and specific crimes though, I worry a lot about being fair in my sentencing.
Thankfully, the RP servers aren't very chaotic so for most part my handy TicketMaster can handle most things with the occasional brig time. I try to use my TicketMaster a lot, since I've found out that players quite enjoy tickets and it's an excellent tool to de-escalate situations and make people move on during personal arguments. I find it really relaxing to just patrol and make sure everyone's doing okay, talking to the crew and being an approachable officer people can trust.
I find Security Record updating to be quite important nowadays, as nothing sucks more than latejoining as Security and not having a clue what has happened or why someone is on arrest, in the brig or paroled. I try to brief laterjoiners on the current situation and point out any notable people they should read the security records of. I also try to involve other Officers into all my arrests and cases to try and bring more interaction and roleplaying into action. In character, I consider it a way to counteract any personal bias from the probably hectic arrest, but it's definitely so I don't do everything on my own while the other Officer patrols disposals all shift.
Now actual combat is where I'm probably the weakest by far. I still consider myself.. quite unrobust, but since I play on RP there's rarely situations that call for anything extreme. A few chases here and there, the occasional shootout. And I feel like it's quite fitting for my character who tries to use minimal force to not be the most powerful hand-to-hand combat specialist in the galaxy. But in the end, even if I become known as the most unrobust HoS in the world, I'd still love to be one as even in the worst emergencies I'll do my best to coordinate the crew to minimize casualties and organize my Security Team to work together like a well-oiled machine so that emergencies don't come down to "is the HoS a robust god or not". As a wise monkey once said, apes together strong.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
1. Don't hog all the fun!
Sure, you may have arrested this person who you caught killing the HoP, but that doesn't mean you should be the one to arrest, brig, search interrogate them as well as question the HoP, investigate the crime scene and finally judge them. Let other Security Officers help you. Teach new Security Officers by involving them and having them take charge. Ask to team up for certain activities. Work together with your colleagues for a more fun experience for all. There's no item or equipment in the game more powerful than having another friend with you. Not only does this counteract any built up biases by involving multiple people, but by splitting up work, more people get to have fun and create memorable moments and you get to relax and take a shower so you don't stink during the shuttle ride home.
2. Communicate!
For gods sake people, communicate. There are far too many times where I have to tell people to report in as I haven't seen them in 15 minutes and they're dead silent over comms. There's also far too many times as an antag that I watch an Officer run in and die trying to catch me, without having reported in at all. You're not a lone wolf, speak up, at least talk over General Radio! And of course the great Security trope of every Officer responding to the same scene. Just communicate, ask who's closest and who's heading there and agree on one or two people to meet up there while the rest continue their patrols or work. Communication is also important for dealing with antagonists. An antagonist is much more likely to engage in fun roleplaying situations if you start off by talking to them instead of whipping out your taser. De-escalate situations, talk to witnesses, do everything you can with your voice before you resort to unnecessary violence.
3. Update Security Records!
It's great downtime as you wait for them to get released and it helps any latejoiners catch up on what's going on. Use it as a good time to teach new Security Officers how to use the computer to set people to arrest as well! It doesn't have to be a lot of work either, just add their crimes and what you've done to them. Example: Major Crimes: Killing the Captain. Details: Ticketed, fined, farted on and brigged for 4 minutes.
4. It's okay to die.
As a Security Officer, you may often die or get attacked. After all, you are the major threat to any antagonist and having you out of the way makes their life easier. But don't hold it personally if you die and don't be upset about it! You have a clone disk you can entrust to the HoS, MD or someone you trust, making you one of the most replaceable people on the station. Death is also a great storytelling tool for the crew! If it could make a great story and memorable moment, it can be fun to get killed. It might unite the crew to avenge you or make your colleagues give you a nice, expensive funeral with sobbing attendants and salutes all around.
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my most memorable moments is when I was an antagonist running from Security and I wanted to sneak onto the escape shuttle. I put on a light cyborg costume and sat at Escape waiting without my PDA. Cue the HoS walking up and raising his eyebrow. Instead of him examining me and arresting me on the spot for clearly being who he's chasing, he starts questioning me and telling me to state my laws. I make up some fun laws out of sheer terror and he's impressed about these new models of Cyborgs and just lets me onto the shuttle with my heart pounding. A great example of rewarding and encouraging fun roleplay among crew rather than just being an efficient arrest machine.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When I'm a lone Security Officer, I try to make full use of everything I have available. Securitrons are my partners, flashers are my defenses, cameras are my patrols. I try to get on the good side of the crew and let people know to report things to me in case they spot anything in exchange for a candy bar. I'll try to be careful, but I'll still play with minimal force. Usually I won't carry anything extra that I wouldn't normally carry. I'm not a fan of carrying riot armor, a shotgun, smelling salts and calomel with me at all times "just in case", plus crew are much more social if they see you walk up in a Hawaiian shirt with no armor.
When there's more Officers, I definitely try to be the one driving communications and making sure everyone is doing well and handling things. I usually like to split up the station so everyone is patrolling one part and I try to encourage staying on comms at all times. Crisis Alert is honestly my favorite tool for playing with a lot of other Security members, it's a lot more powerful to use in an emergency than a weapon. Crisis Alert and barrier up until backup arrives will more often than not end up better than you trying to handle it alone while screaming over comms. Lastly, I try to take more of a background role at times. I don't mind not being involved in every case and arrest. I try to make sure everyone gets to do something fun and just make sure everything's under control and the round is going in a positive direction.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Caw caw, here comes the law.
Tweet tweet, don't try to greet.
Gobble gobble, they're here to squabble.
Hoot hoot, prep your lawsuit.
Chirp chirp, hold in your burp.
Quack quack, they're here to whack.
Squawk squawk, they've got the clock.
Coo coo, they're onto you.
Cluck cluck, don't test your luck.
Chitter chatter, they're here to batter.
Peep peep, run or you'll weep.
Caw caw, down with the bourgeois.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Paperwork as punishment. Way too much paperwork. Sadly I haven't had a good time to do it since I don't want to just insist on doing paperwork when there's crazy stuff going on, but I'd love to enforce essays for prisoners so they can write about how they understand why what they did is wrong and that they're very sorry. Minimum 1000 words. Gives them something to do during brig time and lets me scold them about them only writing one sentence insulting me when their brig time is over. Plus if I brig them for 30 seconds I can demand a 10k word essay!
I'd also love to enforce community service over brig time. Send prisoners out to work the mineral magnet with electropacks if they run, or have prisoners cook food or prepare medicine. Try to focus on roleplay and rehabilitation rather than just have prisoners in a room for five minutes, essentially. Of course this relies on the prisoner playing along, but I think many on RP would happily do so for a much shorter sentence. Cook a fine meal of spaghetti or be in the brig for two minutes, your choice, scum!
Draw a picture!
Here's a raven with a lawbringer, not to be confused with Raven with a lawbringer.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):