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Changeling arms/legs takes over your mind
If you are a changeling and someone gets your arm or leg attached to them surgically, you can take over their body at will.
And just to make it fair, the person who gets the arm or leg attached will get a notice when the mind heist is happening. Something like "You don't quite feel like yourself anymore." And some visible twitches. Nothing bold and red, just about as noticeable as a *sneeze.
And if they manage to notice that something ain't right, they could hit the resist button to try to stop it.

If its resisted, then the changeling will have to wait for it to cool down to try again. And the guy who resisted it will probably try to get his arms and legs cut off any way he can.

This could give the changeling some option to get out of jail free if it had made the preparations and the guy who has the arms or legs doesn't resist it.
The changeling shouldn't keep any DNA points or absorbed bodies when taking over a new body, since its pretty much the same deal as a headspider you've planted yourself.

And when the changeling takes over a body, the old one should do something like "changeling guy falls over dead, as if his just brain shut off." Or just the normal *deathghasp.
Some notice that the changeling didn't actually die might be nice for balance reasons? Not sure on that one.
Or a less logical idea would be to give the old changeling body to whoevers identity (without the powers ofcourse) he was using at the time, leaving him to bargain with the crew the that he is not the changeling they were beating up just a second ago.

Also maybe the person who has the changeling arm/leg should get some healing benefits to keep him alive. Like if he does go into crit, he will automatically stabilize or some junk. Since the changeling needs him alive.

And if the arm/leg has been detached and the changeling tried to take over their mind, the arm/leg will become a mob (or the player can control it if that's possible) and punch/kick the nearest person and attach itself onto them once they're knocked down.
Less effective than a headspider and easily killable with a welder.
The changeling should be dead if the arm/leg fails, since it transferred its mind to a thing that died.

That's pretty much all I got.
If anyone else got anything then feel free to add/remove/balance the idea
First, how do you cut off your own limbs?

Second, how would this work on anyone that isn't braindead?
You'll have to ask someone to cut them off for you.
And some people just don't pay attention to the chat at all, so they won't notice the take over.
But don't you think they will notice if you cut their arms off and attach your own?

It seems to me the chances of this seeing any use is so vanishingly small it isn't worth implementing at all. First you have to have someone who happened to get into a limb-removing accident, then you have to somehow convince another person to remove your limb and attach it onto that guy's limb instead of reattaching his own limb or getting a cybernetic limb without getting either the surgeon or the victim suspicious, and then you have to mess up as a Changeling (which you probably already did by doing something so stupidly obvious: more likely than not you'll have your Changeling ass lynched right then and there when you offer to donate your limb) and hope the victim is absent-minded or braindead.
As for getting your own limbs cut off, you just ask to get robotic ones and keep your limbs instead of disposing of them.
Or maybe the changeling could get a make limb ability that costs a dna point?
And people loose limbs to explosions and pda bombs a lot, maybe not every round but every other at least.
So a changeling could absorb a doctor and then be dealing with the people who need limbs replaced by attaching their own.
And like I said, if you have any ideas to improve or balance the idea, then please do share.
Kaet Wrote:The changeling shouldn't keep any absorbed bodies when taking over a new body, since its pretty much the same deal as a headspider you've planted yourself.
Headspiders keep absorbed bodies, though, as far as I know.

I do like this. Changeling seeding isn't the only reason to attach a foreign arm to a person - you could always do it to hope that arm rejection will eventually murder the person. But for this to work, arm rejection should be chance based imho, and changeling arms should never be rejected by the body.
Embolism Wrote:It seems to me the chances of this seeing any use is so vanishingly small it isn't worth implementing at all. First you have to have someone who happened to get into a limb-removing accident, then you have to somehow convince another person to remove your limb and attach it onto that guy's limb instead of reattaching his own limb or getting a cybernetic limb without getting either the surgeon or the victim suspicious, and then you have to mess up as a Changeling (which you probably already did by doing something so stupidly obvious: more likely than not you'll have your Changeling ass lynched right then and there when you offer to donate your limb) and hope the victim is absent-minded or braindead.

Scenario: You, the despicable, rude MD changeling premeditatively have your arms and legs replaced by robotic appendages for fun. Now you have 4 limbs to spread across the station. A rude traitor appears out of the blue and PDA bombs some people, yielding an average of 4 missing limbs. People walk in, and you use your own limbs as replacement for theirs (you can replace at least 1 this way). This use-case isn't that far-fetched.
Marquesas Wrote:Headspiders keep absorbed bodies, though, as far as I know.

I do like this. Changeling seeding isn't the only reason to attach a foreign arm to a person - you could always do it to hope that arm rejection will eventually murder the person. But for this to work, arm rejection should be chance based imho, and changeling arms should never be rejected by the body.
I thought they didn't keep it since its just a pretty small part of your body that leaps onto a new body. Figured DNA junk would be left behind or something.
Though I just guessed that was what happened and I do not actually know.

Perhaps when you attach the limbs to people you can also get the option to have the limbs beat the people as well? That could help you if someone is actively resisting your attempt at taking over their mind.
Beat them unconscious first and then take over their mind while they're knocked out.
Or just beat them dead and find their body to absorb later.

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