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add some sort of penalty to using brown note on large groups of people
We've all seen it happen.  Geneticist gets energized brown note, or worse, puts it in the booth, and then spams it on a packed shuttle resulting in mass message spam and lag.  Only recourse is to hope someone brought a bible and has the foresight to drop it.

How about some sort of internal mechanism to penalize brown note spam?  I dunno, maybe you take 1 brain damage for every person who farts when you use it.  Just something to stop geneticists from being the absolute worst.
Or when it's used on a certain amount of people it just doesn't generate a message.
I think a simple fix would be to just outright disable the ability to use Brownnote on the shuttle, due to the sheer amount of spam it causes, often causing peoples clients to freeze or outright crash.
Doesn't this count as intentionally causing lag? Remember to AHelp the culprit if it happens. I personally haven't seen the spam but I know that the shuttle tends to be a mess for effects clogging up the window and lagging the game so I think some work should be done to prevent issues with mass amounts of text, the recent change of having repeated text stack is a good start but certainly not a full fix.
There's already a hard counter - the bible. 

And no you don't need to put it under the brown noter for it to work. You place it under yourself. The game will not biblegib you, it will biblegib the brown noter and it's completely unavoidable. 

Is this grief? This one is a bit of a gray area as if you received the bible for this purpose, then your intention is pretty clear that you wanted to murder. I'm not sure if that's deemed "appropriate" escalation, even if it spams & lags. That said, nothing of value was lost.

Honestly while this is a hard counter, I'd much prefer the bible to blast the ass off they brown noter instead of going full throttle and deleting them from the game. That'd be a niche and fun "gotcha".
How about a fairly rare chance for a bible to be spawned underneath you if you get brown noted? For non-nefarious use of the gene it will be highly unlikely but for shuttle spam, the mass amount of players in one spot and the spamming of it would make it a real threat to the noter
(08-22-2020, 08:21 AM)Sundance Wrote: There's already a hard counter - the bible. 

And no you don't need to put it under the brown noter for it to work. You place it under yourself. The game will not biblegib you, it will biblegib the brown noter and it's completely unavoidable.

This - and I prefer it as-is as a super hard counter.
I'm well aware of the bible being a hard counter to brown note spam. There's also two bibles on the station, max, and toting one of them around the entire damn round to make sure no one steals it on the off chance some fuckheads decide to spam brown note on the shuttle is really not something I want to be doing, nor do I think it's something anyone should have to do.
why not have it blast the ass off of the person and remove their brown note ability. repeated attempts (dna injectors) cause more and more damage (instead of full gibbing when dropping a bible.)

also disabling it for the shuttle sounds good, imo
Have repeated brown notes make people fart large clouds of mutadone into the air.
Just make it only effective on the first 7 people in view.
Capping the number of affected people sounds good
I like being able to have an absurd amount of people fart at once but I'd prefer the text message to be a one time stack so it doesn't clog up chat, along with preventive measures against possible spam that couldn't be countered by an intelligent lagger
Could have the cooldown be affected by the amount of people it hits.
(08-23-2020, 07:32 AM)Gerhazo Wrote: Could have the cooldown be affected by the amount of people it hits.

That is a smart and good idea, please do this.

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