LovelyMimic's Mentor Application
Usual character names: Andromeda von Lucifuge, Kickflip Brozinski

BYOND username: PajamaSquid

Discord username: Lovely☆Mimic

Recommended by: warcrimes

Goon servers you play: Primarily Goon2; I used to play on RP substantially more often, but sort of tapered off.

Reason for application + game experience:

I really love this silly game, and I want to help people who are still getting the hang of SS13, or of Goonstation specifically. Space Station can be very difficult to get the hang of, due both to its wealth of deep subsystems (many of which vary dramatically from server to server), and also just due to not controlling like any other game on the planet. It genuinely took me at least a week before I figured out that you could browse a container's inventory without putting it down first, for example. I already answer people's questions in-game whenever I can, and being a mentor seems like a reasonable avenue to continue doing that. Moreover, the more mentors we have, the better; I've never gotten a bad answer on the many occasions I've hit F3 ingame, but I somewhat often just don't get any answer, and having additional (qualified) mentors helps mitigate that. Mentorhelp has helped me out a ton, and I want to, well, pay it forward!

I've been playing on and off for several years now. In that time, I've matured into a relatively competent and laid-back player with a diverse, if somewhat eclectic, knowledge base. My "expertise" lie in botany and telescience, but I have a working understanding of really most things (breaking and entering, repair, doctoring, chemistry, navigating most interfaces). My deficits lie in genetics, bombmaking, engineering (specifically the workings of the TEG and the power grid; I can at least set up solars without any trouble), pathology, and packets. I am also confident that I can be trusted to not metagame based on any knowledge gained from mentorhelps.

So yeah, I think I know my stuff, and I really want to help people excel in this game about goofing around and dying horribly in space.

Previous bans: Replied to an admin's open offer of bansharks on Ass Day, subsequently receiving a 50ish minute ban as a result of said shark.
Breaking my silence in this subforum to +1 LovelyMimic! She's been a consistently chill and trustworthy player who would be a great fit for the role.
mimic is very very good: relaxed, good teacher, trustworthy, good mentor material
yes absolutely
Mimic is a very nice and fun player and would make a great mentor!
Mimic was a great player back on RP and I believe she'd make a good mentor. Yes from me.
Mimic is someone i know to be a competent, enthusiastic teacher, and a meticulous learner. She'd be an excellent addition to the team imho. (well, hence the 'recommended by')
Andromeda is always good company, no matter the circumstance!
I should think so
Lovey Mimic definitely has the game knowledge to be a mentor. They’ve been playing the game for quite a lot of time now, and in my opinion have had what it takes to be a mentor for quite some time now.

They are friendly ingame and patient with other players. I didn’t ever really play a ton of rp server, but when I did they were always a fun player who tried to make the game more enjoyable for others

Overall I think they would make a great addition to the mentor team and have nothing negative to say about them
LovelyMimic is, as their name would suggest, a lovely player. An absolute +1 from me
Maria has been around for a long time and is good at sciencey things! They have a good sense of humor and temperament. I think LovelyMimic would make a fine addition.

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