09-16-2019, 10:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2019, 03:20 PM by UrsulaMejor. Edited 2 times in total.)
Adds Discount Dan's Bath Bombs to Public Minimeds.
They contain several wonderful medicinal* bath mixes that have a clinically proven effectiveness**.
In order to preserve some of the fun, I have not pushed this PR public. Please PM or DM me here on the forums or on Discord (Account Name UrsulaMajor) for the code if you are interested in maybe porting this :^]
In addition, I've written this bit of code that allows you to draw a bath full of nice refreshing water for you to put your bath bombs into:
Sneak flavor preview for the rest of ya'll!
Adds Discount Dan's Bath Bombs to Public Minimeds.
They contain several wonderful medicinal* bath mixes that have a clinically proven effectiveness**.
In order to preserve some of the fun, I have not pushed this PR public. Please PM or DM me here on the forums or on Discord (Account Name UrsulaMajor) for the code if you are interested in maybe porting this :^]
In addition, I've written this bit of code that allows you to draw a bath full of nice refreshing water for you to put your bath bombs into:
/obj/machinery/bathtub/verb/draw_bath(mob/user as mob)
set name = "Draw A Bath" // idea: emagging bathtub makes the bath spit out a photo of itself when you draw a bath?
set src in view(1)
if (get_dist(user, src) <= 1)
user.visible_message("<span style=\"color:red\">[user] draws a bath.</span>",\
"<span style=\"color:green\">You draw a nice bath!</span>")
Sneak flavor preview for the rest of ya'll!