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Shitty Bill Typos and Deafness
Two unrelated bugs, but I didn't want to start two threads for these two tiny little bugs.

1. Shitty Bill says, "I think my buds forgot aboout me."

Shitty Bill misspells about in this line

2. While deaf and unconscious, you can "almost hear someone talking" which is a little silly considering you can't hear anyone talking ever.
When you're unconscious, whether deaf or not, there's no reason you couldn't "almost hear someone talking," because it'd likely be in your head.
jflan17 Wrote:When you're unconscious, whether deaf or not, there's no reason you couldn't "almost hear someone talking," because it'd likely be in your head.

Maybe, but I never really figured that the voices were 'in your head' so much as your slowly drifting in and out of consciousness and cant quite make out what the doctors around you are saying
It's so you know there are people around you and talking if you're unconscious or blind and deaf.
I'm not so sure about that. I've 'almost heard someone talking' while testing things alone on a local server.
Suggestion : Replace 'You can almost hear someone talking...' with barely-legible speech, kind of like how monkeys hear humans.

someone says, 'he's not going to make it!'
the KO'd person hears it as:
Person McDoctor says, "h** n** g**n* *o m**e *t!"
MyBlueCorners Wrote:Suggestion : Replace 'You can almost hear someone talking...' with barely-legible speech, kind of like how monkeys hear humans.

someone says, 'he's not going to make it!'
the KO'd person hears it as:
Person McDoctor says, "h** n** g**n* *o m**e *t!"

You probably wouldn't know that "Person McDoctor" was specifically the one talking, but this is a p good idea
BruceHenke Wrote:2. While deaf and unconscious, you can "almost hear someone talking" which is a little silly considering you can't hear anyone talking ever.

It shocks me that this is still not common knowledge.

The almost hear someone talking message will pop up instead of anything that might appear in that window - someone being hit with an object, someone being stripped, anything that emits a message.

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