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Wizard Spell Suggestions
Wizards are cool and more spells are good, please share any impossible to code COOL ideas you've had for spells here.

Command: point and click spell that mindslaves any target for 1-2 minutes. 200s cooldown
"Summon Distraction"
Temporarily drags someone back to life(Even if they were DNR'd) as an incorporeal copy of you. at the same time you are turned invisible for several seconds.

"Summon monster"
Produces Either A random hostile mob, of note is that it isn't friendly to you either.

Joke spell, has a "set" function and a cast function. can Produce a rabbit, make everyone fart, or LSD everyone in the area.
Sends the target to another random room on the same Z level. It might be next to you, it might be the combustion chamber!

Edit: I forgot that warp was a thing, and is likely much more balanced :P
All of these sound fun thus far

Disguise: Makes a targeted mob/pc look like a randomly chosen mob with the speech capabilities of said mob for a limited amount of time (1-3 minutes, 80s cooldown)

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