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Remy should start with a Sous-Chef ID
Remy doesn't start with any items if you spawn as him. He should have a Sous-Chef ID in his mouth so he can use the vending machines in the kitchens.
Critters spawn with access implants inside of them. however they are bugged. will fix soon, though.
Aha. I prayed and got a Sous-Chef ID but it was awkward to use the chef vendors since they don’t accept IDs - I had to order things with the ID in my mouth, drop it, and hope nobody ran off with it while I cooked.
(10-03-2017, 08:42 PM)LuigiThirty Wrote: Aha. I prayed and got a Sous-Chef ID but it was awkward to use the chef vendors since they don’t accept IDs - I had to order things with the ID in my mouth, drop it, and hope nobody ran off with it while I cooked.

it's also annoying trying to use someone elses ID on those, or medical machines. gotta click the machine then switch to the ID hand, or just switch out your ID with theirs. it's a little annoying
This would actually be kind of nice because then you could throw the ID at someone to deputize them as sous-chef

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