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Mining missing ores and features.
For the last week or two I'm observing several changes in mining:

- There's no erebite, ever. It's substitued with plain rock.
- Geological scanner only shows crystaline matters. No density modifie, dangers o anomalies.
- Desnse rocks, which were a target for rig extraction unit, are extinct too.
- Certain times there won't be any plasma stone on the level.
I think anomalies have been removed too. No more mystery crates, rock worms, or artifacts.

Explosive/radioactive hazards seem to be gone.

I haven't found cerenkite or erebite on the new map yet, so I think they may have been removed as well.
Trying to remember but I'm sure I found Cerenkite once. Maybe I just got lucky with Miracle Matter though.

The lack of dense asteroids is something I've noticed, however.
GenericOverusedName Wrote:I think anomalies have been removed too. No more mystery crates, rock worms, or artifacts.

Explosive/radioactive hazards seem to be gone.

I haven't found cerenkite or erebite on the new map yet, so I think they may have been removed as well.

I've definitely seen rock worms, not sure about the rest though.
Rock worms exist in small groups in holes at the centre of some asteroids.

I've found cerenkite, but the only way I've managed to get plasma or erebite is from opening abandoned crates or miracle matter.

So usually I can't build concussive gauntlets, those speedy boots and the pod plasma cutter.

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