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[Feature] Sec Belt Reward
Adds a Security Toolbelt skin for Utility Belts. You unlock this by unlocking the medal "Suitable, how about the Oubliette?!"

I thought that the sprites that Sundance made were too cool to be left to rot in the depths of idea-hell, so I made a quick patch that will allow you to turn Utility Belts into them.

Add this to code\WorkInProgress\
    title = "(Skin) Security Toolbelt"
    desc = "Turns your worn Utility Belt into a Security Toolbelt."
    required_medal = "Suitable? How about the Oubliette?!"


        if (!ishuman(activator))
        var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = activator

        if (activator.belt && istype(activator.belt, /obj/item/storage/belt/utility))
            var/obj/item/storage/belt/utility/M = activator.belt
            M.icon_state = "secbelt"
            M.item_state = "secbelt"
   = "Security Toolbelt"
            M.desc = "For the trend-setting Security Officer on the go."

Add these sprites to icons\mob\belt.dmi

And this sprite to icons\obj\belts.dmi
Looks pretty nice.
10 out of 10 idea and patch
'den outta 'den
i'd like seeing more stuff like this, reskinning common objects to look more fashionable
(10-26-2016, 10:31 PM)Nnystyxx Wrote: 'den outta 'den
i'd like seeing more stuff like this, reskinning common objects to look more fashionable

I am currently intending to make a fuckton of department backpacks and satchels. Wish me luck. And also pester me about it if i take too long.
Nice, a use for that sprite! I don't even know how you get that medal, but apparently I have it??

Also amaranthine here's some mock-ups i did ages ago that you might have some use. If I were you, i'd recolor them as they for some reason came out faded.
(10-07-2014, 01:13 PM)Sundance Wrote: [Image: 5LYGZ5n.png]
[Image: oyyh9zE.png]
I'd love to see these bags implemented; however, if they are, perhaps a chameleon backpack/satchel should be added to the traitor uplink.
(10-27-2016, 08:59 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: I'd love to see these bags implemented; however, if they are, perhaps a chameleon backpack/satchel should be added to the traitor uplink.

It really depends HOW they're implemented, if they're achievement rewards then that shouldn't be necessary but if we decide to add them to clothing lockers instead...

It's possibly a good idea to make these things creatable at uniform fabricators
Failed to compile! Please test your patches in the future, thanks.

Edit: okay it's not that urs did not test the patch, it's that they just did not update the code snippet in the spoiler box

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