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Cthulhu's Staff shouldn't be able to be pulled around
it's really dumb that people can move that staff around when its whole purpose is "people can't fuck with your staff"
Well you could always take it back with relative ease. Other than that it would be very op as it would have no means of being terminated.
it's dumb though because the effect is almost entirely useless and it costs as much as a whole spell

it should trigger on drag imo
Spacemarine9 Wrote:it's dumb though because the effect is almost entirely useless and it costs as much as a whole spell

it should trigger on drag imo

Yeah, it's really not at all worth it because nobody is going to fall for it after the first time (if they fall for it at all). Make it trigger on drag so the crew has to do something like shut it into a locker or crate.
The other thing is supposed to be that it's a better melee weapon than the normal staff, right? This was a while ago but I got a staff when an admin gave me a spellbook with like 100 crystals in it and it was still a pretty bad melee weapon. It might be worth it if it was actually powerful instead of roughly equivalent to a fire extinguisher.
- better melee
- no pulling
- faster corruption (already implimented)
- recall-staff spell maybe?

This setup might make it useful
Solution, remote trigger spell. Remotely activates any object and uses its effect. Though some coding issues may come up with the crown,staff of Cthulhu and light grenade. Maybe make them AoE of say 4 tiles for quick escapes. Recharge rate of 34 seconds, and maybe the staff can be welded down with magic somehow.
didn't corruption start doing crazy stuff once upon a time if there was enough of it on the station? maybe having this staff while standing in corrupted areas could cause some of those effects, and when it's dropped in a corrupted area the effects linger until the corruption goes away to dissuade people from taking it.
Just adding a recall staff spell might be enough. Achieves the goals of the staff with less crazy shenanigans.
A recall staff spell might be nice, too. But I STILL don't think people should be able to touch it. I'd rather have to go back and get my staff than easily teleport it to me.
At the very least, show the staffs location on clairvoyance

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