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[Feature] Material Plants
This one is way better than my last patch, I promise.

This patch aims to add a few material science possibilities via hydroponics. If this patch is implemented it could also lead the way to the wood carving idea.

Note that since the recent material rewrite is not in the public release, this does not actually add any properties to the materials and probably implements them wrong.

  • Adds Bamboo and Rubber tree plants. Icons were already in the code but plants were not. Bamboo comes from the seed machine and the Rubber tree is a Tree mutation.
  • Bamboo, when harvested, counts a material. Using a cutting tool on bamboo extracts an edible shoot. I know that's not how it works in real life but this is space!!
  • Rubber trees, when harvested, give rubber. I couldn't figure out how to make the icon update to properly show as "red", but we can say it's unrefined as an excuse.
  • Tree plants, when harvested, now give "wooden logs" instead of planks, which count as a material. Use a cutting tool on a log to make planks.
  • Crystal Plants are now harvestable for plasma glass shards. They still have the insanely long grow time, so some work is needed for mass production.
Oh, hey, this seems actually pretty neat. Yes! I support this, and it's neat!
Logs as a material? Wooden bows will finally become a thing.
(09-29-2016, 09:55 PM)medsal15 Wrote: Logs as a material? Wooden bows will finally become a thing.

Except bows require metal! Maybe they'll be expanded to metal-organic.
I'm just gonna say that this would have been a really funny thing to patch on arbor day. (because arborinus, and trees)
Done Toots

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