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VR training
The blob gets a safe space to learn how to ruin everything, why not give that to the crew to? Give some of the more convoluted roles a VR training course on how to be less incompetent at their jobs.

Get your online degree in:
Not fucking up the engine.
Surgerizing people without murdering them.
That's pretty much it I guess.

At the very least, we could have a VR engine for newbs to fuck up and nerds to jack into the skrillions of degrees, both with no fear of pissing off or melting the station.

And maybe a VR medbay where you can spawn in mangled or diseased assistants to teach you how to treat or butcher them.

And an option to start in VR at round start or something.
I could see this being valuable for antagonists, who are almost always guaranteed to fuck up their first rounds due to the lack of practice. So, add some VR simulations of antagonists.

Also, an entire engine in VR sounds like its just begging for lag problems. I don't know if this is a legitimate concern or not, but there were problems when I last played where explosions would literally kill the engine due to not being able to process everything at once.
If things like the engine were to be included in VR there would have to be some sort of instant kill switch so that people could just slam the button if things get too laggy.
I'll resubmit my suggestion of ghosts being allowed to spawn in VR, we already have facilities there (THE THUNDERDOME, and critter gauntlet for PvE) to practice robusting. Just remove the ability for VR ghosts to emote or speak and we can have plenty of good practice sessions without the need to use up already valuable zlevel space
(09-21-2016, 11:50 PM)poland spring Wrote: I'll resubmit my suggestion of ghosts being allowed to spawn in VR, we already have facilities there (THE THUNDERDOME, and critter gauntlet for PvE) to practice robusting.  Just remove the ability for VR ghosts to emote or speak and we can have plenty of good practice sessions without the need to use up already valuable zlevel space

Just let em still speak in deadchat.

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