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Use Pathology for Disease Events
While you rarely see disease events anymore when you do it is using the old system of just a few set diseases and methods of curing. I would like to suggest moving it all over to the new Pathology system and allowing that part of the station to be used for productive means such as curing. We also want to make sure that the random event pathogen isn't typically too devastating. These are just my thoughts on how to put together a Disease Event pathogen.

Pathogen Type:
There are five types of pathogen - bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus, and greater mutatis cell (GMC). While each kind has its own strengths and weaknesses we can mostly ignore that and make it a flat chance across the four basic groups. The GMC can be quite a bit more dangerous due to its ability to mutate and, thus, should given a much lower chance of spawning than the main four.

Pathogen Stats:
Stats should be kept positive to ensure that the disease progresses and doesn't die or devolve out. The exception to this might be the maliciousness stat... but it might be safer to keep it up there too. I'm thinking it might be best to design it such that stat chance works out as a sort of bell curve with an average of about 5-10 for most stats and about 20 for advancement speed to ensure it actually does advance.

Pathogen Traits:
There are two big things for designing random event pathogens. First up, they all must have at least one contagious trait. Secondly symptoms should aim to typically be somewhat debilitating and only rarely round-ending. The goal is to make it so that four times of five while they want to get it fixed they don't need to. As such there should be a few 'rolls' made here.

*Contagion Symptom:
Not that other traits cannot be contagious but this first roll will ensure that there is at least one contagious trait. As with all the rolls it should be weighted so that lower tier symptoms are more likely to occur.

*Number of Symptoms:
There should be a range as to how many symptoms can occur in addition to the contagious one ranging from none (just the contagious trait alone) to several (maybe five or seven?) Ideally your typical disease would have anywhere from two to four symptoms including the initial contagious symptom.

*Other Symptoms:
Now that we know how many symptoms we have, we roll to see what how devastating each symptom is and what trait it is. As with the contagion symptom it should be weighted so that most symptoms are in the tier 1 and tier 2 range but it should be possible (if unlikely) to get even T5s. Some special weighting might be desired as well - perhaps lowering how often things like the shakespeare symptom show up to keep that from getting overused.

Anyways, that's my two cents on there. It would be really nice to be able to help the station and cure diseases so that Pathology becomes more beneficially useful.
I'm in favor of this, pathology could really use more use and pathogen outbreaks tend to be interesting.

On another note, all the viral outbreaks I've seen recently have done absolutely nothing.
(02-23-2016, 10:19 AM)Takov Wrote: I'm in favor of this, pathology could really use more use and pathogen outbreaks tend to be interesting.

On another note, all the viral outbreaks I've seen recently have done absolutely nothing.

I always enjoy it when the shakespeare one comes. Especially if you round up all the crew and force them to talk into radios. evil for evil's sake

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