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let me buy more food and pro puffs
Make so you can buy mutiple things at once.
As opposed to double clicking the button? There's only twenty in the machine, so unless you have arthritis, it's quite easy to get everything out in a matter of seconds.
Nightgunner5 Wrote:As opposed to double clicking the button? There's only twenty in the machine, so unless you have arthritis, it's quite easy to get everything out in a matter of seconds.
Not 70 minutes into the round when byond hate everyone and everything.
Add in a method for the QM to order multiple of the same crate at once and the electrician to spawn 5 resistors at once and I can get behind this. Having to mash the buy button for 5 minutes just to get three soups/crates/electrical components is infuriating as all get out.
I just want pro puffs to have more chemicals from the dispenser in them.

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