04-05-2015, 04:58 PM
I attempted to get rid of genetics by injecting myself with a macrobomb + 2 microbombs thinking that it would result in a tremendous explosion equal to 12 microbombs.
In reality, it resulted in a pissweak 2 microbomb explosion that only got rid of the floortile I was on and did not even break the cloning console I was standing in front of.
How to recreate:
1)Waste 12 TC on a macrobomb and 2 microbombs
2)Die/Shoot self with the russian revolver
3)Wallow in sadness as it resulted in a really small explosion.
In reality, it resulted in a pissweak 2 microbomb explosion that only got rid of the floortile I was on and did not even break the cloning console I was standing in front of.
How to recreate:
1)Waste 12 TC on a macrobomb and 2 microbombs
2)Die/Shoot self with the russian revolver
3)Wallow in sadness as it resulted in a really small explosion.