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Make chairs moveable or breakable by other objects
I wasn't sure what title to give this topic. I've witnessed a mechanic deathtrap where you are strapped to a chair after being stunned in some way, and then a graviton accelerator right next to the chair launches an object at you (in my case a crate). While an object being launched at you always hurts, it usually knocks you back as well. Since you're strapped to a chair, the crate keeps hitting you, hitting over a dozen times, and instantly killing anyone it was used on. There was nothing behind the chair to hold it in place, like a wall or another object, and it was a normal chair, not a specially made one.

I don't know if launched objects hitting multiple times when they're stopped from travelling their full distance is intended behaviour, but I was more surprised that the regular folding chairs found all over the station are immovable. Taking extra damage from a large projectile because you're strapped to an immovable object is fine, but immovable objects to strap someone to should be rarer than they are. I think things like surgery tables, which are bolted to the floor, would make more sense, or smelter chairs made with extra tough materials and then bolted to the floor in some way, or even just a regular chair put next to the wall. As it is, anything strong enough to instantly kill people should also move or break the chair. (Can chairs break? I've never tried)

Apologies if there's already a thread about this that I missed. People in deadchat were very familiar with this murder method, so it seems to be fairly well known.
This is a good post, maybe the code used to determine whether a vending machine will fall over from impact force could also be used for people in chairs.

Being knocked down in a chair could stun you for a short time, but could also break handcuffs if you're cuffed to the chair.

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