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Broken Overlays/Missing Sprites
There seems to be a few issues with overlays for human mobs, but it's hard to pin down which ones are and are not working.

What seems to be working:

Changeling Horror Form
Burn/Brute damage

What isn't working:
Dual temp resist (it just gives you the most recent one you activated; it doesn't switch back and forth anymore)

Things that may be broken (needs more testing:
Corpse decay overlay

Basically for werewolves and lizards, the overlay just doesn't show at all; you appear as you did before you became one, but still retain the unique traits of lizards/werewolves. End result is werewolves have too much of an advantage if they wear a gas mask, as it looks just like a naked guy...until he knocks you down and starts chomping down on you. For lizards,'s not gamebreaking, but it's certainly disappointing that this doesn't work anymore.
Injury overlay is broken to hell for monkeys
Might be related: If you get dwarfed, your character sprite is replaced by a default-skin-colour dwarf and your hair remains at normal head height.
Few more things to add that are broken:

Rotting Corpses (confirmed)
Skeletonized Corpses
Cloak of Darkness/Vamp Invis glint/sphere/wave thing.

Suspected: Zombie overlay (when you get necrovirus, as opposed to converted into an NPC).
Radiation Suit Mk. 2 doesn't have a lying down sprite.
Update on this issue: it seems a few of these overlays still exist and function, but the mob sprite isn't being updated, which makes you look like you did before you changed.

Tonight I made myself into a lizard...had the "sss" thing, but still looked human.

After I became a hulk, however, suddenly my sprite updated and I had the tail a lizard usually normally has.
Did some more testing---dunno if this is the case for werewolves (and some of the others), but for lizards, it seems that activating any genetic power cause the overlay to update.

I just made myself a lizard then injected myself with the Booster Gene and my sprite updated to actually look like a lizard.
All of this should be fixed now, thanks to Marquesas.

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