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A Stamina Thread
I do like stamina. I think it's an interesting new mechanic that has enormous potential.
However, it still has a long way to go. For instance, armor doesn't block any stamina damage. It takes about four punches to knock down anybody; from someone wearing full syndicate armor to a naked man. This should be changed so that different armor items protect the user from attacks (helmet shaves off 2 stamina damage, labcoat one, etc). I recently just punched the captain and HoS into submission with my fists, and this shouldn't be the case. Pure fists can be more deadly than a solid amount of traitor items now.
Attacks should also shave off a differing amount of stamina, ranging from like 5-15 per hit. Not all punches are created equal, after all.
Also, I never thought I would ever type this, but kicking has to be nerfed. Someone knocked out can stay knocked out for god knows how long just by kicking them repeatedly, leading to a continual loss in stamina and never waking up.
Stamina loss should change depending on the area attacked. For instance, a shot to the gut is more likely to knock the wind out of someone than one to the leg. I think punches/hits to the face could deal a more random amount of damage with some shots having the chance to knock someone clean the fuck out, while shots to the chest having a more consistent damage to them, but also not having a knock out chance. However, they retain the critical hit chance with some shots being able to knock the wind out of someone.
As for weapons, different weapons should deal different stamina damage. A blunt force baton to the chest could knock off 20 per shot for example. And as for rng kos with blunt force object, I say they should stay in.
Some objects that aren't used for combat also have critical hit chances and deal stamina damage. Earlier today, I was the recipient of an absolutely brutal devastating hit with a cleaner grenade. Also, a toy sword knocked me down. I'm sure there's many more nonviolent objects that behave in a funky manner too.
I'm sure there's many more ways to improve this system and these are all I could muster up for now. Let this be a stamina suggestion megathread or whatever
Already an official feedback thread, you should probably use this one:
I'm a fucking idiot
Yes you are! (locked)

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