Jack Hunter HOS application (4)
Usual character name: Jack Hunter
BYOND username: Smallsandman
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Smallsandman

Recommended by (if applicable): NA
Goon servers you play: 3 and 4

Reason for application: To assist the security team by being a driving force when they need guidance, and to reel them back in if its needed, as well as over all do my best to guide the round to help ensure the game is fun for crew, sec, antags and anyone else involved.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing security for a long time at this rate, i reckon about 3 years with a break here and there, I can do just about anything sec is needed for, i can coordinate, lead a team (currently by making any "orders" into suggestions rather since I'm the same rank as everyone else, but i might just keep it that way since it sounds nicer.). get someone processed, search, questioned, interrogated, and out of there in a timely manner. I know when to draw the line with antag shenanigans but also how to give them a chance. I can set someone's arrest status in less then 20 seconds usually, all this to say I've been around the block and i definitely consider myself experienced. I have seen a lot of things happen and dealt with a lot of problems, sometimes its quiet and calm sometimes the station is an utter mess, I've had a lot of time to gain the skills i needed. Sometimes i can even figure something out or call something that happens later. I can train people in all the essentials and some less obvious concepts like showing the crew respect and get an idea of someone's judgement. I typically know when and when not the armory would be useful as well as how to use all the tools within it, I've recently taken to using the breaching charge, door breacher round riot launcher, and a shotgun with flare rounds. I'm good at the RP side of security too, like building tension or easing it where needed, giving leeway to antags but not too much that they get away with things they should not, as well as interrogations too, and the paperwork side of things too like recording gun forensics for people who want stickers for their weapons, Reading the records of people and bringing it up to them if it is notable. I believe i have the needed experience to be great at security.

What advice would you give to other sec players?
It's important to have some confidence once you get to a certain point, you cant rely on everyone else to make decisions for you or you'll be spending a lot of time dragging people in cuffs around waiting for a response, you need to have some confidence in yourself and do things in good faith and you'll be fine, however there is the other side of the coin to worry about, too much confidence will make you start rejecting the ideas of others and prevent you from believing you can be wrong about something. basically just do things in good faith, and keep the suggestions of others in perspective and you'll do fine. another thing i wanna add is that eventually you'll run into someone who hates what you did, even if what you did was your role play job, don't let them get to you, i know that sounds hard to just do. but the sooner you accept that not everyone will be happy with choices you make, the better. But always be willing to take a look at yourself and see if you did the right thing also.

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
With a full team I'm typically on the radio a lot to hear as much as i can, delegating where I can to keep us all moving as the chaos is typically much grander, By myself however I'm typically on 4 which means there's like 10 people total in the crew, i can take a load off, do some RP, maybe make some sec paperwork, or talk to anyone around, I'm barely on the radio besides talking to cap and AI if there are either since the only thing that needs coordination is my own thoughts which is easy.

What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Recently I've been thinking about doing a bit where instead of all patrolling at different times we all patrol in one big ball of security for one lap and go back to whatever we are doing, the idea is really funny to me for some reason, just people seeing the whole security team all walking down the hall at once running into each other and making the crew think something weird is happening.
Extra Notes: I've been actively working on this AND myself for a little over a year now, with my self confidence being the main thing holding me back, I genuinely do believe that i am ready and able to do this now, i have the required practical skills. I've done a bunch of work on my decision making since last app especially in regards to hard choices and haven't had a hiccup since and am generally trying to be the best player i can be for this wonderful little space fart game. I've come from posting an application on a whim to see what people think to posting this with some real confidence in myself, and even if i do not make it that wont make me any less of a good player then I am now. I am doing my best change and grow into what people believe i can be and will continue to do so and I'm going to be a bit more silly again in security (I was having fun being serious but I didn't want that to become the only thing i was) and balance that with my seriousness to make the best experience i can, for myself and for others.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None
I also want to note that the problems that were had last time are not the only things i have worked on, seeing as this process is not just a "get these specific things done and you'll make it 100%", i have worked on other things that i feel i needed too like making sure I'm respectful calm and understanding when i feel I need to correct someone on something. loosening a bit from the skillset grind and learning to have fun in security again, and making sure I give out good roleplay and fair chances for antags to have their fun before we step in. If i do make it don't think ill stop trying to improve myself just cause I'm finally in. I'm always looking at feedback and willing to improve and change, with or without the head of security role.
I'd personally just like to throw out that I've recently had a nice round as a potential witness with Jack, where I was questioned as the CE in regards to having seen anyone suspicious on my team, as the culprit was using insuls (I know, shocker). It resulted in a nice bit of roleplay, the interview went along and I was then released and received an apology for them taking up my time.

All of which is to say, that's nice. That's a marked improvement over previous Jack, and while I haven't had many rounds with you around lately, the few I've seen you around, I genuinely did get a better vibe from you as Security Officer than before. It's not enough for me to say whether or not you check all boxes, you're certainly not lacking in skill or game knowledge, but I just wanted to toss this into the room that from my perspective, I can definitely tell you've taken the feedback people have given you the last time to heart.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it. You are doing well in many areas as a player and a security officer, and you've improved a lot over time, but we're still not convinced that you demonstrate the personal leadership and resilience that help HoS succeed. While we definitely want you to keep playing and enjoying the game and being a member of our community, we'd like to encourage you to broaden and focus elsewhere and wait at least a year before reapplying for HoS. We don't want to keep denying your app for this one role when you have so much more to contribute.

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