Thedude6969 Mentor application!
Usual character name: M.U, Seeks-the-Path

BYOND username: TheDude6969

Discord username (if you are on our discord): Simbasvnoi

Recommended by (if applicable): N/a

Goon servers you play: Goon 3 and 4

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): My main reason for applying is because I enjoy helping others learn what is a very complicated yet very rewarding and fun game. I enjoy teaching and I've occasionally forgone my antag rounds just to help teach newbies because I find that more fun and engaging sometimes to me and I'd like to have more access to tools to help others learn the various aspects of the game, not just whatever department I happen to be in at the time. I also understand that Mentors are a sort of leadership role in the goon community and I feel I would make a good addition to the team and provide the community with the knowledge I've gained over the year and a half I've been playing. I feel the best way to teach someone is with enthusiasm, encouragement and patience and I hope to spread the love of the game and it's various mechanics to others whether or not I become a mentor.

As far as experience goes I'd put my botany experience up against anyone. I have even come up with a sort of training program for newbies that teaches them all of the basics in a single round while trying to keep it fun and engaging. I have been playing for over a year but I've been playing quite frequently and have a solid grasp on all departments, from engineering to science, drink mixing to security. I can safely say that unless it's a hyper specific topic and even then I might be able to answer it, I can provide assistance and gladly so. I'd have to say my experience with engineering is also quite solid. I often will take the CE role and mentor people in whatever power source we are running for the day and again, try to do it in a fun and engaging way.  

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was previously given a 24hr ban for rushing loot spots in azones before.
I've watched you take time out of busy rounds just to teach people on several occasions now, which is something I like to see from anybody applying for mentor.  Sleeping bee
Saw this dude helping out a newbie sec assistant on how to use secmate and was very patient running them through it. Just wanted to give them a shoutout on here and a +1
i think i've seen you teaching new players in botany more than doing anything else botany-related. BIG +1 for what it's worth from me  bee
Well I really appreciate the feedback everyone! If nothing else I'm glad to hear I'm on the right track and will continue to do my part in helping others learn the game regardless of what happens!
Always friendly and helpful when I see them! +1
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to another recent issue with azone rushing on RP. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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