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Infamous Requestation Disscussion
Requestation is a good way to make money for QM and interact with other department to help is good thing.However some of Requestation is quite unpopular to do and most of the time got ignored.
This post gonna list and ask for opinion about it should we remove them or how do we make it more intersting enough to do.
Note : i look only surface of the code before write this thing it might not accurate feel free to fix.
- Aid contract : The urgency contract that cant pin in market cycle Most of contract in aid contract is good enough already since most of them QM can buy/make it in thier department ( except when it need some food/drink supply ores) in general of this is the most contract i like to do since it challenge with the time and gain good reward. 
i not sure should we have add anything more on it?
- civilian contract :  this is the most contract i really want to change because it quite need high amount of resouce and all stuff they need take time to process 
For example 
         - Architecture requestion : most of them come up with need high amount of grass seed / liquid silicate / rock / material sheet 
         - Pod requestion : most of them involve Helios Mark - II/ III engine / magnet link arrey / pod mount geological scanner which is hard to produce and use ores from mining department to work. and the worst part is it only reward you with few thousand credit.
          - Scient reqeustion : most of them is good for me since it involve harvest organ / protein solution /chemistry but onething that i not like is it very limit in chemical list (combustible chem is only phlog / sorium / pyrosium ) ( acid have fluorosulfuric acid / aquatenebrae / nitric acid ) and culvinary chem is even less compare to amount of the chemical list they can make it should have like a sauce / salt / pepper and the hatest requestation in this part is artifact reqeustation! i seriously never have a chance to finish this contract before.
 So civilain contract some of them are easy some of them are hard and some of them is too much hard and should make it more makesense. and might have some new prototype reward for make requestation have some new cool thing !
- Special contract : AKA third party contract this is most ambiguous requestation and most of time i see it got ignored but sometime it interesting.  for example about good contract is organ swaping that send the whole box of human to do surgery however one thing that i hate is the paper come with it alwys have no clue on it. make it worse for the starter to work on it end up in no one make it. pizza party is use high amount of food and resource to consume eventhough it get good money. the most easy requestation in here is blood request which is already redundant to some of science contract about protein.

In conclusion is some of contraction might need to be change due to uninteresting of it/not good reward payback/and limit of list of reqeustation list.
If the coder read this the first thing i want to see it 
1. Add more chem list to science contract 
2. Reduce amount of stuff to use for some contract.
3. Make a note from third party picture actually work.
4. Add some more credit reward to infamous contract.
5. Remove redundance contract from third party.
and in the future i hope we will have 
1. New Prototype item reward 
2. More weird third party requst with unique presentation
3. New kind of reward type might be a medal for it?

If you read to this thank for reading it should be great if this post got some feedback about it. it's okay, he'll be up again before you know it

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