Feedback Mexicat Positive Feedback
Admin: Mexicat
Server: Goonstation 3 Morty
Date + time: 16/8/24 Evening GMT
Synopsis: I was having a bad day and ended up in a scenario where I took it way to far and was just nasty and vindictive to the other player who was just trying to play the game. Quit after I died and when I tried to join back I was rightfully banned. If not for the ban I wouldn't have been forced to reflect on my actions and realise what an PoS I had been. I ended up finding and apologising to the person on Discord and ask if they would mind me appealing when I had the chance. They accepted my apology and said I should and they hope we could RP again under better circumstances. Sorry if this is weird or wrong I'm currently super sick and have been delirious with a fever the last day or so but I just want to say you're doing a great job keeping Goonstation a Safe and fun place to play even if I was the problem. I plan on appealing when I can but totally understand if its Denied. Keep up the good work Mexicat.

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