Donald Snatch Sr. HoS Application
Usual character name: Donald Snatch Sr.
BYOND username: Timtamslam2224
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Bean Beans / President Mothy
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: RP 3 Morty

Reason for application: I strive to be a teacher and leader amongst my peers. I deeply enjoy mentoring players and helping others learn the basics as well as being a bit of a guard against the "don'ts" of Goonstation. I find myself at my best when I am in a position to set a good example for others and lead a team to victory. I also prefer to define myself as a bastion of integrity, protecting other player's shifts from would be ne'er-do-wells. Sometimes this injustice comes from command, most notably the captain's random executions of innocent players who may have committed minor inconvenience at most. Unfortunately as a regular SecOff with no HoS you are technically powerless to fight them as they outrank you. 

Security experience (300 word minimum): As I'm sure many viewers of my application may note through goonhub, I do not possess the rounds or hours played that some of the legendary HoS' before me possess. This is not for a lack of effort, for I am painfully overworked irl and on a brighter note am often distracted by fatherhood. I do however have a little over six or seven months (Non-Consecutive) months of security under my belt and have been playing Goon as my one and only station for ~4 years now. I may never come to possess the time or experience other HoS' have, but I don't want to limit my potential on my own personal fear of inadequacy so I am here to try now. I spent around half of my total rounds played perfecting the medical craft when I finally decided to give security a shot, and it was love at first sight. In my time as a security officer I have fought some incredible evils, been kidnapped by clowns, and even given a janitor a ticket because I slipped right past his wet floor sign. I have learned that security is not as painfully serious as it may look from the outside, but can often be more fun than any other job role. As a security officer, you have the chance to interact with everyone onboard and more often than not you must socialize with the nuttiest of them all. This is something you don't normally have the luxury of waiting in the OR for a patient or sitting in chem cooking meth all shift. 

I could speak on how I've become robust during my length as a security officer or how many abominable baddies I've defeated in mortal combat, but I couldn't speak more true when I say I have found much more enjoyment in a different side of Security. The art of defusal has quickly become my favorite method of dealing with every encounter. Engage a common thief? Reassure them their crimes will not carry a heavy sentence so long as they come forward. Blood-stealing vampire? Offer them substitutions, and if that isn't enough, maybe speak to the captain and medical director about some "meat-bag" alternative to sentient humans. More often than not, I talk the crimer down, rather than beat them down, and I truly believe this is the pinnacle of security gameplay. 

I have done about a dozen or so training days with some security assistants, a few needing a full rundown and some just needing to be taught space law things like brig times and proper procedure for dealing with syndies. I plan on doing more training days with assistants where and when available because I love teaching new players and introducing them to something I've become painfully obsessed with. 

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
          Never be afraid to call for backup! More often than not someone is sitting at the term_os just waiting to check someone's record or to be called into the heat of action. I know this because any time we have a full sec team and no one wants to man the desk, I'm your man! Another very important thing to keep in mind is every encounter, bar the occasional shambling abomination or space bear, should at least be an attempted defusal. You'll test your true might in the security team when you must battle not with your baton or wave gun, but with kindness, understanding, and empathy. Some of the crimers you encounter may be committing a crime of passion, like when they slip next to a janitor and he just points at the wet sign. I'd say only ten percent of your encounters should come down to clickin on that taser gun or stun baton. One last big piece of advice I personally will die by is to keep a few sets of cuffs in the same belt as your baton and stun gun. This can be the difference between cuffin a stunned antag and them getting up and running off because you had to switch pouches first and they were on meth.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
          My favorite moment as security and one I wish for every time I play is getting to play a round with Micky Shoeshine. If you have ever encountered ol' Mick, you know just how much dang fun he can be and he really is a charmer. Micky only ever commits inconveniences, like eating HoS' spaghettis or stealing a ridiculous amount of valuables, only to return them and explain that the door was left open so he figured it was free. Aside from that I very much enjoy starting every shift by moseying on down to the bar and disarming muggles, then giving the kitchen staff a lecture about leaving sharp objects out.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
           This answer will be short because I don't have much of an explanation for it, but I really think the antag options should be more open like classic. I think nukies, blob, flock and all the others are super fun events and don't fully understand why they aren't options. I've heard the argument that there's "no opportunity" to rp with these antags but I don't see why a threat that can't be reasoned with can't fit within an RP environment. 
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    Enjoy a Haiku:Station unluckySyndicate agents invade once moreWide captain returns
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was banned 3 years ago for 24 hours for inappropriate language and have matured HEAVILY since then. It is not something that will be happening in the future, that I can promise.
I don't have any personal one to one experiences with Donald but I have seen them around, I think the effort they put in is great and they really do care about the role as Security. Seeing someone who is focused on their kids but wants to do what is best for the Goon community is awesome. I really think that Donald has what it takes from the time I have seen him while doing Security and Non Security work. He has always been helpful to the community and I hope to see him one day leading it.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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