Natasha Narisktav HoS application!
Usual character name: Natasha Narisktav
BYOND username: CypherXD
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Cyphernx

Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: play on Goon 4 and sometimes goon 3

Reason for application: 

Head of Security is a position that I have always admired, not because of the access, or weapons but because, most of the time, it is a player from which others will seek advice, guidance in addition to the presence of an HoS can contribute a lot to the development of the round that being said that I believe that I can constantly be found offering this kind of help to less experienced officers,  teaching or coordinating in the best way, both in quieter rounds and in times of combat. So, if I ger approved, I will continue to help my team, this time, with much more responsibility and keeping in mind that the game should be fun for both sides. This is my second application for Head of Security and another reason for the application is that I think I improved since the last one, not only as a security officer but as a player and roleplayer in general.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

My first contact with Space Station 13 was with an brazilian youtuber namded Cazum8, this was like nine years ago and when I saw that game where you could do anything I became very, very interested in ss13, after a few years (and I dont know why I didnt start playing it earlier) I gave it try, playing roles with less responsability like Janitor or even staff assistants, at the beginning I was really nervous mostly because english isnt my first lenguage but, after some time I found myself Roleplaying more ang getting more involved on the station's stories and I thought to myself that was a good time to start playing security.

At the start I was really REALLY lost with the cases around the station, finding it really hard to keep up with everything, some officers noticed that I was a new security player and I was expecting just an simple welcome to the team but they actually stopped and trained me at the HQ, I even remember that David Davies, was there too, training me how to use the gear, how to handle smaller or more serious crimes, how to operate the Security console, they covered almost everything and this act made me realize that security was actually a team caring for eachother and this made me love even more playing on that department. 

After some rounds as assistant, writting tickets, aiding Officers with arrests, giving warnings and taking some time to know the maps (because this was another struggle of mine XD) I was ready to play as security officer and I remember that in that time I saw this as a really big responsability because I knew that security can change the flow of the round and it's so important for the station. At my first rounds as security officer I was often robusted by antags or afraid to do something wrong, as time goes by I learned one of the most precious lessons of security department: asking questions, communicating with the team, and then I found myself improving a lot as an officer and within the games combat system, being able to subdue dangerous antags and I even remember the first time a crewmember complimented Natasha when I was able to get two antags that were armed on the shuttle saying something like: "woah Natasha sure is efficient" and I was so happy with that that I keep trying to improve myself

Nowadays I see myself as an experienced officer, I've lerned to lead the team in some cases when it's needed, learned how to properly deal with antags always remembering that they are another player trying to have fun, learned how to be communicative to the team and to the antags on the round during escalation and sometimes I think to myself that one day I was that rookie trying to use a flash correctly and now I'm the one teaching it and it's amazing how things went.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?

    I said something similar on other applications too and I think a lot of people write this in here but it's one of the most precious advices on this department: Communicate, if you think you're not helping a lot on the round but you are communicating about what's going on you're already helping a lot, security is a place where almost everything needs to be shared with the team and depending on the information it will change the playstyle of the team as a whole so communicate!

    And another thing... If you're struggling, confused, lost, that sort of thing, ask questions, no officer will feel annoyed if you ask them how to deal with some pitty crime or how to use certain gear, actually, it's a lot better if you ask than doing without some advice, so dont be shy or scared to share your doubts to the team, everyone in there will gladly satisfy those wink

  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    When playing alone or in a small team I, mostly, tend to coordinate and lead it during the cases and I include the captain in security matters a lot of time due to the lack of a Head of Security, I really enjoy to coordinate a team and I find myself being good at it, I was sure of it when a Head of security, Otto Stockholm, complimented me about my work in security (and that what made me want to write an application) on the other side, when playing on a full security team with HoS, NTSC officers and detectives, I find myself taking the place of a "support" officer, often assisting the detective on forensics or questioning suspects and victms, or find myself mainly at the HQ running prints and writting reports to the rest of the team... in short words I still try to help when playing in a full team knowing the chain of command on security and always listening to the current HoS.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?

Honestly I dont think I'm the best in terms of gimmicks BUT I always thought of some differentiated type of trainings for security officers, for exemple, a training regarding the weapons at the armory and the type of ammo, I think that would be useful and fun on a quiet day on security.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I've been never banned from the game but I've been job banned from command, security and antag roles a while ago for entering cryo and disconecting at round start and yeah I understand that picking an important role and not playing it can be bad for the station
I've had quite a few rounds with Cypher as security and the experiences have been positive, Natasha has often been reliable in security, leading and keeping everyone updated and on track while also keeping a level head when dealing with situations, often providing fair punishments and taking into consideration the experience of other players in the round, both crew and antag alike. I feel Cypher would make a good HoS! +1
Natasha is always wonderful to work with, a reliable and fair officer usually! Even though she AFKs sometimes during rounds they always manage to catch up and remember events that occurred during the round. They provide fair punishments for antags and keep a cool head in rounds OOC and IC which is appreciated in hectic situations. I do feel like she doesn't take much initiative and often refers to the Captain or HoS if we have one that round in instances like further punishments for antags for example however that can be both seen as a good or bad thing depending on the perspective.

Overall they would make for a decent HoS and I would love to serve under them! +𝟭 
(To clarify: this comment is from my perspective and experience with CypherXD as a fellow player, not as an administrator.)

My most direct interaction with you was when you were playing your scientist, Lya Dagger, as a non-antag. You complained when you were confronted by Security for having a contraband gun from an azone, and when told that it was Syndicate in origin, proclaimed that the Syndicate "wasn't so bad" and you worked for them sometimes. My character Rina called that out as awful, and Lya doubled down on it. Rina threw the first punch, then Lya shot her with the gun. Security stepped in to stop you and got the gun away, and you immediately yelled about how much we sucked and suicided in the nearest firelock.

I would need to see a LOT of growth from you in order to be remotely comfortable with having you as a Head of Security.
Indeed that happened, but It did happen a long time ago, when Lya Dagger was more of a gimmick character and at that time I had another Application which was denied.
Today as I mentioned on the application, I grew a lot as a player and that sort of thing wouldn't be some that I would do with my characters because yes, I see that wasn't a good way to play the game at all.

On short words the thoughts about that from you are fair but that event happened a long time ago, this is another Application from a person that actually knows how to play the game now.
(08-03-2024, 08:21 AM)jan.antilles Wrote: (To clarify: this comment is from my perspective and experience with CypherXD as a fellow player, not as an administrator.)

My most direct interaction with you was when you were playing your scientist, Lya Dagger, as a non-antag. You complained when you were confronted by Security for having a contraband gun from an azone, and when told that it was Syndicate in origin, proclaimed that the Syndicate "wasn't so bad" and you worked for them sometimes. My character Rina called that out as awful, and Lya doubled down on it. Rina threw the first punch, then Lya shot her with the gun. Security stepped in to stop you and got the gun away, and you immediately yelled about how much we sucked and suicided in the nearest firelock.

I would need to see a LOT of growth from you in order to be remotely comfortable with having you as a Head of Security.

Currently permabanned, so take the following with a grain of salt.

While I don't know the specifics of THAT specific situation, I do know that a Natasha (May be a different Natasha) on Goonstation 1 that consistently has good behavior and fair judgement that helps to rein in known security troublemakers.

To summarize +1
Please understand that the following post's example refers to a singular round, not a judgement on the application in general or Cypher's merit or dismerit in their application. The sole reason I'm posting it here is to seek clarification on their potential mentality as a HoS in regards to team work in a challenging environment. I would strongly discourage using this post as partial basis for your own endorsement or not, but Cypher's reply could hopefully clarify in a way that supports their application and that's as good a reason to post it as any. 

Some time last month we had a round on COGMAP2 on Morty in which I was a random named AI and you mid-joined as Natasha Narisktav. We had a security team that seemed quite new, and were losing control of the situation a little, but personally I felt were making an effort. To jog memories a bit because if you're anything like me rounds can blend together: There was an incident in the brig area with security and the captain that went on a while.  To the best that I could tell: you would have very likely been the most experienced security member playing at that time. From my perspective, Natasha was very dismissive, blunt, and unhelpful, and walked out. Of security and left them somewhat entirely to their own devices. I've absolutely been there myself and this among many reasons is why I couldn't apply for HoS, and I would not want to see this from someone who is looking to be HoS when one of the key things is as you stated "The team caring for each other"

If you remember this particular round, could you clarify your viewpoint on the situation? If you do not remember this round that's understandable, but could you explain what you would do in a situation you mid-round joined as the HoS or most senior officer with less experienced security crew, or crew that needed some coaching to get back on track as it were?
(08-04-2024, 12:49 AM)Lefinch Wrote: Please understand that the following post's example refers to a singular round, not a judgement on the application in general or Cypher's merit or dismerit in their application. The sole reason I'm posting it here is to seek clarification on their potential mentality as a HoS in regards to team work in a challenging environment. I would strongly discourage using this post as partial basis for your own endorsement or not, but Cypher's reply could hopefully clarify in a way that supports their application and that's as good a reason to post it as any. 

Some time last month we had a round on COGMAP2 on Morty in which I was a random named AI and you mid-joined as Natasha Narisktav. We had a security team that seemed quite new, and were losing control of the situation a little, but personally I felt were making an effort. To jog memories a bit because if you're anything like me rounds can blend together: There was an incident in the brig area with security and the captain that went on a while.  To the best that I could tell: you would have very likely been the most experienced security member playing at that time. From my perspective, Natasha was very dismissive, blunt, and unhelpful, and walked out. Of security and left them somewhat entirely to their own devices. I've absolutely been there myself and this among many reasons is why I couldn't apply for HoS, and I would not want to see this from someone who is looking to be HoS when one of the key things is as you stated "The team caring for each other"

If you remember this particular round, could you clarify your viewpoint on the situation? If you do not remember this round that's understandable, but could you explain what you would do in a situation you mid-round joined as the HoS or most senior officer with less experienced security crew, or crew that needed some coaching to get back on track as it were?

So, I don't actually remember of that specific round that you mentioned and don't remember leaving a fairly new security team to their own on purpose, I can't really say what happened but considering my way of playing probably there was a crisis going on somewhere or something like that...
Another reason could be that I had a couple of events where some new officers really didn't wanted to be trained or coached on certain situations so maybe, at the fact you mentioned, I was with that in mind, but as I said, can't really tell what happened.

But, as other people stated on this application and in game for my character, I do tend to keep track of the situation when I know I'm the most experienced on the round, train and coach mostly sec assistants and wouldn't see problem to expend some time training a crew of officers or even helping with some small issues that can still affect in some ways the game, and that's a matter that you don't need to worry about if I ever get approved.

Alright! Thanks for answering. I appreciate it, and it's fair to remember that I had a very incomplete picture of the situation too: While an intercom mike might be on things can be missed and your answer definitely fits what you'd hope to see from a HoS!
In all honesty I find Natasha as a character quite dismissive and rude- I understand it's part of the character. Natasha is, yes, very skilled, but seems to have not a lot of regard for other team members, often coming across as very snippy and almost scolding. They are also very quick to suggest execution for antags- whether that's good or bad is up to user interpretation. I've not really seen this from other characters of Cypher's, though, whether Lya or even AIs.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient positive community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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