Pugman/Zaidens mentor applaction
Usual character name: Zaiden crawler
BYOND username: Pugman899
Discord username (if you are on our discord): [dumb name here]
Recommended by (if applicable):  no one
Goon servers you play: Goon 3:morty

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I would like to apply because I enjoy helping people here on goon, its nice to run into a newbee now and again that needs help learning the game and I am always happy to provide it, but in being a mentor I can provide help to people other than just the single  one on my screen. My game experience is pretty decent, as I have been playing space station 13 for a little while now.

Civilian experience: I would say that this is the one I have the most experience in, give or take. Thats because I prefer doing calm things like serving drinks as the bartender or Baking neat and funny food as the chef, Or even automating sweet tea in botany, it is all so calming and civ is what I play when I want a calm shift or next couple of rounds.

Security experience:  My experience with sec is not too much, I know maybe a bit more than the normal sec player, but cant say I have much experience in the department making arrest as I do scanning bodies or finding who did what or chasing criminals [though I often forget my handcuffs]. Over all security is more of a middle ground for me, there is a lot of stuff I know, but a lot of stuff I need to practice with and do better.

Medical/Research experience: Now medical is where I start lacking some, I cant, per-say remember what chems stop and heal brute/burn/oxy on the spot, and overall I'm not even used to the inside of med bay on most maps, but in research I know a bit more..not much more but still,I can properly identify artifacts and and give em to cargo, or mess with telesci and send people off on adventures and teleport stuff, however I cannot wrap my head around plasma research, nor can I do stuff like search for secret chems, so overall I would say that without help from the wiki, I'm lackluster in areas like medical and some of research.

Engineering experience: Ah, engineering [/cargo?] A fun place that is vital to the structure and money of the station, not just the people in it. I would say my experience in this job is, like security, needing to be improved, although I know a lot about the engineering and cargo part, not so much stuff like mechcomp [last time I messed with it, it was its own job]. But I can say that I do know how to make sure the station stays paid, repaired, and powered.

Command: Although I'm not sure if this would count as a department, better be safe, but I would say my experience with command heavilly relies on what department I'm in command of.

A.I/Silicone:  I have mediocre experience in a.i and borgs, I don't play them much anymore though, and like command I'm not sure if I should put this here.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
 I think I was banned for breaking rule for and saying a gendered slur too many times or something, but i cannot recall if I have been banned more or not, I may have and am not denying it.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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