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Bureaurcacy Borg/Cargo Borg/Borg with more paper
I want to make a borg module for handling all-things-paper. I already know I'm not going to follow-through on it, but in the event that I actually bring myself to make something, I don't want it to be missing any things. The current list that I have is pretty small and no where near enough for an entire module to be made off of it.

Other modules already have some things I would tweak minimally, if at all, before adding it to the paper-borg.
  • Omni-pen: Service module has it, I would probably make something closer to an omni-utensil that works like the omni-tool.
  • Crayon: Brobocop has it, it would go into the omni-utensil.
  • Paper bin: Service module again, could maybe do different colors as well but is fine other than that.
  • Sticky notes: Brobocop kinda has it but not really. Brobocop has the sticker-thing which can dispense sticky notes and artifact forms, but it is randomized and I would just need to get rid of this randomization and the other stickers.
  • Stickers: Brobocop has it, it's more of a funny item but it could fit to make the paper-borg a bit bigger, but since this is a more "serious" borg in heavy quotations I would think more of having the ability to choose the stickers that come out.
  • Maybe I missed some, you tell me.

Totally-original modules, things that are essentially just supplies or something turned into a robotic tool that might be a bit more streamlined.
  • Heavy-duty folder: Basically an entire filing cabinet, can hold folders in it, can create "holo-folders" which cannot be taken out of the HD folder, but can still hold papers and such in it. Would be like folder-ception.
  • Slightly-optimized stamp: The normal stamp can choose between a number of options, this one would simply have a couple of extra options added-on, I don't have any ideas yet for other stamps so please do share.
  • Extendable clipboard: A clipboard that you can extend to allow others to access, could allow you to work as a Bureacratic assistant or to have petitions to be signed.
  • Canvas dispenser: Taking a turn towards more artistic modules, you can dispense a canvas, maybe an art-eisel too as some other part of the module.
  • Paint creation kit: Let's you make paint cans of your selection that you cannot drop, pretty self-explanatory.
  • Mini-photocopier: A photocopier in your module, for copying papers as well as printing them.
  • Paper-manipulator: For cutting paper, it might just be a single pair of scissors, it might be more than that, just for anything that isn't a utensil that can alter paper.
  • [Insert your idea(s) here]

That's all I have for now, I'm hoping to see a lot of other ideas for this below, I don't think I quite did enough for the art-side of the module so I'm thinking of more things for that.

Quick little edit, I really need good name suggestions. Bureaucratic just doesn't sound right to me, but if anyone else wants to give me feedback on it then that would be much appreciated.
Bureaucracy borg is currently a admin borg module with phasers and powerful stuff so that names taken already regardless.

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