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Ghostdrones interactions with TGUI
Hey real quick just to foster discussion:

Recent TGUI change to manufacturers has prevented ghostdrone pals from using manufacturers.
Every tgui'd machine, in fact, was one less thing a ghostdrone could use.

So, what should ghostdrones be able to use? Allowing everything would permit drones on stuff like the cloner console without special handling in every ui_act() ever, which sounds really bad. But manufacturers *do* facilitate their goal to repair and maintain the station integrity. So where does the line get drawn? Or is this fine?
So. Thanks for posting this. Previously we had access to a handful of thing, none really useful except the manufacturer.
Seeing how ghost drones come equipped with a mech scanner and solder it seemed like they was intended to use it, to help fix the station.

I also suggest that if it's impossible to only allow access to manufactures, maybe put a few old version in the drone factory (Or just one with extra materials). While this would be annoying, it would also make them less efficient than an engineer, which is kinda what they are.
I would love to see ghost drone able to use manufacture , and some of vending machine like Mechanic vending machine,computer,however some of this can be potential for interfere silicon.for example if ghostdrone decide to use all resource in engineer department for making fun stuff outside station and then when in emergency case we lack of it. Or if ghostdrone decide to build something that potential to harm like emitter , singulo. It can happen to!
Even right now ghostdrone can even put canisterbomb assembly and activate it.may be more discuss should do before release it.

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