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Artifact idea (replicate artifact)
This is idea for Artifact “ Replicate artifact” 
Once it activate if we offer any item to them like material , weapon , tool  there is 75% chance to Replicate it 25% to consume it. Cooldown 5 minute
This artifact will be can use in any department like security , med-sci , civilian , engineer due to it very useful.
I feel like this could HORRIBLY be abused, and very easily.
Against, doesn't sound like a fun artifact. Abuse of artifacts is fine, but I don't think it's original...

Insted have it make terrible copy's and sometimes make it make a pixelated mess named "*J#HS!&"
Basically the copier is always bad and items have a tendicy to disintergrate or explode.
Having new and original ways for powerful artifacts is cool. There's so many artifact variations in the pool that I don't think that this showing up every 5 rounds would be something that's significantly broken enough to affect anything. You already have a chance to spawn bombs that can obliterate entire departments, or guns that have nigh-infinite ammo and recharge.

I think there should be more variance, not just duplicate an item, but perhaps alter it's qualities. Have a chance to make an exact replica, or have a chance to make something far worse, or something way different. Toss in a gun, you might get a better gun, or you might get some scrap metal in return. Basically just have it be a machine that has a random chance to improve, copy or ruin the item you give it.

Randomly powerful is good, consistently powerful is not.

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