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Give maintenance access to Scientists
I don't understand why scientists can't have maint, I doubt there is any real reason behind it, and if there is then I wish to be enlightened in the replies below.

To me the only thing it seems to do is make it more of a hassle for me to get anything done as a scientist, especially traitor scientist.
As a fan of itchin powder I agree

It's a hassle to run around to find space fungus
Space fungus can generally be acquired without going into maint, and failing that there are other places you can always find space fungus at.

IMO Scientists are fine without maint access, and this is speaking from a guy who almost always plays Scientist. Think of it as a balancing factor for all the crazy things Scientists can do, especially as a traitor.
Honestly scientists are kinda OP as it is.

As much as I would love to have an easier way to build a flamethrower that shoots out drugs, scientists have enough access and are kinda spoiled in the "crazy research department", not that I'm complaining. I like the idea that nanotrasen blows lots of money on a research department over everything else. but sometimes other departments could use a boost.

Radstorms don't happen enough to make scientists need more maint room. You could probably pest the RD for a few botany pots to grow space fungus with. Really research director is the perfect job to go ale carte dumb research projects. I'm pretty certain the RD could just order the botanists to make drug plants for science then find some assistant volunteers.

Alternatively request security give up some prisoners/assistants/clowns/whatever for the science department, collectiing space fungus samples and serving as drug guinea pigs.

security has a test chute, and it's gotta be boring for some repeat offender nerd to sit in genpop all round.

be creative

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