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reduce pocket air tank o2 usage
(09-27-2022, 05:56 AM)George_Manning Wrote: Let’s be honest, nobody is going to waste their belt slot on an oxy tank. It’s either a yknow,belt, or a weapon or tool of some sort. Or you just forget it exists entirely (No, just me?)
It’s kind of annoying considering the jobs that need internals the most (Sec, engineering, mechanics, sometimes medical) are the one with belts that prevent them from using the belt tanks

I think this is kind of the idea. Make inventory choices more impactful.

From those examples I'd say you should pick your gear based around what you are facing. I could expect much less exposure as Sec or Medic than an Engineer. Unless you were doing field work

When internals are an issue, you now have pocket, belt, and back as an option. Do you go with more air, or more places to put things? Take a belt or a backpack, or trade that slot for a tank? How long are you expecting to be exposed to lack of air? How much stuff are you carrying that's necessary? Is there a smarter way to pack it all?

It's crunchier and makes it where there are less absolute "optimal" inventories

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