Mentor Application
Usual character name: Terry Peyton Hobbs (Terry Hobbs)
BYOND username: VengieGaming
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Spikes123#9659

Recommended by (if applicable): Nobody.
Goon servers you play: HeisenBee (1) Sylvester (4)
[Image: information.png]
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): 

I have been playing Goonstation for 6 months now. It was the first server I had played on SS13. When I first started playing I started to really like SS13 and I was learning the basics fairly quickly.

There were a lot of very kind mentors, admins and players to help me through my playthroughs. I have found SS13 from Youtube and the videos encouraged me to play the game. For my experience with jobs, I'm great at cooking, medical, fairly good at science, robotics and security.

For experience in servers, I have currently played for 90+ hours on Goonstation, 20+ hours on CM-SS13 and a bunch of other hours on /TG/Station. After realizing how long I have played the game for, I've started to realize that I might be eligible for being a mentor. So now I've decided to test my luck and make an application. I am starting to become active on the Discord server again. I am actively starting to talk to other people now.

I've been in the discord for a couple months. I try to help people when I can and even in the Goonstation server I try to help. I love to help the community whenever I can, I've taught a bunch of players how to do their jobs and what to do and what not to do.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will: No bans, I got warned a couple times a while back

Additional Notes: I've written this at 1:00AM so I didn't get much time to write it. That is why this Application is so short. (I don't expect this to be Accepted. But its worth a try smile )

queen greater domestic space-bee
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be August 26. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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