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New Antagonist Idea: Hypnotism!
I always wondered why we don't have something like a hypnotist or hypno glasses as an item for antags, cept the vampires sleep hypnotism. So let me present the idea and how to counter it.

Why am I bringing this concept up like this? After all Vampires use it to stun their oppenents for a long period of time.
Well... here's the thing... that's basic hypnotism. But we are GOON! We can go beyond this!
Hypnotism in cartoons is used for various things... from "Mindslaving" to "Pretending to be a chicken"

Now I don't think Hypnotism should mindslave... that be silly... but let's focus on the other aspects.

1st up "Hypno Specs"
Traitor item for 6 TC.
What does it do you ask?
Puts a random Hypnosis effect on a target after one snaps their fingers.
These effects can be:
- Talking like an animal (chat disabled)
- Flopping like a fish (laying down and flipping)
- Truth telling (*Insert random funny statement here* to Their Pincodes)
- Hypno victim (They believe they are something else, makes them a neutral, not mind slaving, but they might gain an abillity or a bad trait or "vocal mutaiton" without mutation being there)
- Other emote shennigans when you snap your fingers. (We got artifacts doing this)

So how would you counter this if you get hypnotized?
Therapy. The therapist will now be available every shift and can deprogram hypnotized victims. It also fades away over time and maybe something like Smelling Salts can also fix it. Also a second snap of the fingers will make them come out of their daze as well.

How long will it take to make it work? Well depending on the effect.. you set it... long to short. Something that is litterly just making your target start juggling when snapping your fingers is litterly going to make you take longer time then something like making a truth statement at the snap. Something from 2 to 4 seconds.

Goofy, not deadly and more.. but now for the big one!

Traitor Therapist.

What? The counter of the hypnotist as a traitor? Who saw that coming! That's why smelling salts is a thing.
The hypnotist is simliar as a traitor chaplain but insted of contracts. it does hypnotherapy.
The hypnotist however... can do different levels of hypnotherapy to make their victims do whatever.

This one however can do the mindslave thing, though it takes longer to do.
The only difference is mindslaves of a Hypnotist have.. well... different effects... since they won't act fully human.
They still have the basic hypno spec effects, but.. now..
You can do more crazier things. Still in thought...

We will see...

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