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HoS's Jumpsuit & Access
1. The HoS jumpsuit makes your hands invisible for whatever reason

2. He has weird access restrictions. He can't go into the medical overseer or w/e's office but can go into the RD's office. He doesn't have access to the teleporter despite being a head. He doesn't have access to engineering for some reason either, which is annoying when people are being murdered in there. A weird one is he doesn't have access to the chaplains office which I think is actually funny.

I get you can go get you ID changed but I dunno why a job that you have to write a short story to get has limited access, especially to some of the sillier places.

Also I swear his ID is fucked up and doesn't work with the slot machines or anything that requires you to have money on the card idk maybe I'm just dumb though
ITT: hos world problems.

1. The hos suit doesn't make my hands invisable, that's weird.

2. Yeah this is really silly tbh. Then there's this bug when you upgrade your access, The armory access + your room access disappears

3. yep, I can't play slots as hos because it always appears as 0 cash on my card. This could be due to the fact that someone fleased me of money, but idk

Just to add because it saddens me so, the hos's PDA is not security detectable whatsoever. The ROBUSTER cartridge rectified some of these problems, as in it has securitron access, but you can't see unlike the other officers whether beepsky has made an arrest, or if someone was brigged/released. So the bar a few programmes the hos actually has an inferior PDA in terms of security.
A suggestion (as this is the suggestion forum not bug) to fix this problem easily would be to give the hos the red security PDA, with the extra programmes (manifest, medical, etc) installed
Having this armless problem on other outfits too, like chaplain's. It only happens when you're facing a side. Also, before I got the beret, I thought HoS' had all access. Now they have silly access restrictions. Why not just give them all access + Armory and Office, like it says on the wiki?

Or it's supposed to be all access but this is a glitch, and I'm just a silly new HoS. who knows
UUUUGH. The Hos has enough access already. Free engine from dumb hos 2013.
Plus, the AI is generally on your side and will gladly open doors for you. And every hos has gloves and is able to hack through a door.

As for the slot machines problem, you need to use an ATM to transfer cash from your account to your id. Why? I guess to prevent the hop from draining your bank account. Still, it's kinda inconvenient.
Klayboxx Wrote:1. The HoS jumpsuit makes your hands invisible for whatever reason

Invisible hands is a different bug. Currently exploring.
I don't think the HoS has ever had engineering access(he's not a doublecaptain, he's the Head of Security). Although having no access to the teleporter room and certain offices sounds like it might have just been an accident.
The Head Of Security has a known gambling problem. He once asked the head of Personal for a loan of 100,000 credits. 3 minutes later he had gambled it all away on George Mellon High Roller slot Machines. He was banned from gambling and forced to work the debt off on Space Station 13.
Sundance Wrote:2. Yeah this is really silly tbh. Then there's this bug when you upgrade your access, The armory access + your room access disappears
not a bug

clicking the captain button gives you a captain id. can the captain go into the armoury? no. click every access button manually you lazy jerk
It's the same thing where if you have an Agent Card and you just click "Captain", it removes your access to the syndi shuttle. If you have special access permissions on your card the computer can't normally give, by changing the job on the card you remove those permissions. It's a feature, not a bug.
Personally, I like the access restrictions. Giving the traitor a heads up when he hears me asking for access, or buying him a few extra minutes while I go get tools to bust his ass makes for more interesting encounters than a supercop with all access, 5 guns and a chip on his shoulder. Since security got its own set of insulated gloves I rarely alter my access. Although from what you're saying it sounds like we should swap RD access with teleporter non-access, we need the teleporter for the prison station (despite the fact i literally never use this place, mostly because i forget it exists) and head offices should be restricted to specific heads and the captain.
I like the idea of making it so only the heads can go into their own rooms, and I actually dig the HoS not having access to the chapel. But I don't really see a reason to not let him have access to mining or engineering.
not to be ruse or anything buuuuuut...

... dosent this belong in bug reports?
Points one and three yeah but I didnt want to split itup

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