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Syndicate Lazyer gun
I seen that most ranged projectiles are pretty fast..
But how about we made them slow?
introducing the lazyer gun
[Image: ea0995d7-9b52-11ec-bb98-8533c245ccd5.gif] 
(shit art I know)

The whole point of this gun is to fire off a slow moving laser that will only disappear after it has hit a wall.
This is meant to be useful for running away, making it so pursuers have to wait for the laser to pass or take burn damage.
[Image: 2e0017d1-9b54-11ec-9f99-8533c245ccd5.gif]
^Above is a perfect place to use it in the Osha labotories map.
The design space for a funny slow moving projectile is a good one, but the idea of it being a "laser" goes against our general aesthetic for what the syndicates are about.

Can you think of another way to make this work without it being a laser? That'd probably be better received.
Sure I can try and think of something else.
I had an idea but nope the Mooninite weapon is the Quad Laser.
maybe if it was like a tesla ball or something like that, not a laser weapon, but something that fits with the strange science angle that the syndicate have.
I made it into a saw drone.

They have a lot of drones right???
Yeah syndies are only allowed ballistic weapons in general
(03-03-2022, 07:22 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Yeah syndies are only allowed ballistic weapons in general

My lazer rifle from traitor likes to talk to you.

I'd say make it "lazy shell" yes based on Mario RPG.
But insted of a shell have it be a giant slow shotgun shell.
Nikita missle launcher? Nap-kita
Syndies are specifically the nukeops in my eyes. Those dont get laser weapons. Traitors arent really syndies to me. Just dicks that want to fuck over Nanotrasen.
matrix gun

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