09-19-2021, 12:03 PM
Usual character name: Raidly Royce Butkus
BYOND username: Sanngrior
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Currently not on the discord
Recommended by (if applicable): No personal recommendations
Goon servers you play: Goon 1 Hesinbee (rarely but now playing constantly) Goon 2 (originally played but grew bored of it)
Reason for application: The main reason why is that i have been forced out of my usual comfort zone, normally i am too cowardly to join Goon 1 due to the massive amount of people usually i play goon 2 for a more personalized experience but i have been forced out of my comfort zone so i wish to try becoming an HOS i would understand if i am denied the application but nothing in life is without risk.
Security experience (300 word minimum): My experience comes from a long time ago tough i am not the perfect person when it comes to security, i have much knowledge when it comes to many different topics like fingerprints, chemical usages, when a person is in serious danger or not, i do admit tough i do have bias sometimes when it comes to people depending on how they treated others during that round, good example being A recent detective round on goon 1 which the captain there was being unreasonably excessive tough i did help him when he was dying i wasn't doing so much otherwise to stop the fight between them until he was in crit then i intervened to help the captain out of crit. i do try personally to never try to be extremely excessive with antagonistic hunting and detention time unless they have intents on destroying the station, plasma flooding the station, being a changeling in general absorbing people, or has gone on a total rampage with a C-saber then its usually necessarily to lethal them but if they hadn't done much harm, or they are just pranking the station with some silly things great example being during the same round with the captain, a clown set up a machine which would constantly alert security to him passing barriers it was annoying for sure but he wasn't causing anyone harm and he wasn't breaching any areas he shouldn't which was fine by me the simple solution for me was to block the sec-alert system and watch over in case someone chucked an item in that would result in harming anyone using the machine, that is what i try to strive to be even if a wizard try's to murder the captain at the round start I will still try to let them go but with a small prison time of 1 minute no ones perfect not even me but i still strive to be the best regarding security measures.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Try not to be overkill when it comes to detaining someone, the people can be terrible calling you insults like "shit sec" you must always remember despite them calling your job terrible they never directly say it's you and if they are directly talking about you, try to ask them what's wrongs with your actions and see how you can resolve the problem to become a better security personal
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my personal favorites was a long time back i forget exactly when tough but i do remember when a antagonist was breaking into armory and kept on failing constantly only to die due to the heat, or should i say the coldness of space we dragged him inside to security and we realized he had met another antagonist who was helping talking over the PDA or was helping with his antics so i suggested instead of telling him we were security we instead asked were he was currently, sadly the dude had to leave due to reasons but he did give us a certain location were he stashed all of his important items antagonistic or not and we secured it due to that, it isn't much i know but its always been a pride of mine to use that PDA to fake
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Personally its dependable on the other security personnel are at their job and if you have a head of security or not, usually its always good backup to have but depending on their moral compass on a certain antagonist, they can do much more drastic measures then you would normally allow, usually leading to peer pressure if there's no HOS and much more.. unwanted results but you always have people to be backed up with in case your out matched while in the contrary, being alone is much more stressful but in term there is zero peer pressure additionally speaking antagonists are going to be more confident on destroying the station with only one security personal which will usually lead them to doing more bold stunts which thus, makes it easier to find and detain them
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
A simple but amusing concept for me has always been clown security were all the officers would be wearing clown outfits and going around giving insane warnings but never actually doing anything like detaining or stunning anyone at most tossing a few cream pies at people repetitively doing a certain wild and stupid action while giving them a fine for doing so.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 1 permanent ban (appealed) given around march due a marco bombing early on CURRENT ONE 1 month ban from Goon 2 due to expected meta gaming (note the 1 month is merely a baseline and it is not set in stone)
BYOND username: Sanngrior
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Currently not on the discord
Recommended by (if applicable): No personal recommendations
Goon servers you play: Goon 1 Hesinbee (rarely but now playing constantly) Goon 2 (originally played but grew bored of it)
Reason for application: The main reason why is that i have been forced out of my usual comfort zone, normally i am too cowardly to join Goon 1 due to the massive amount of people usually i play goon 2 for a more personalized experience but i have been forced out of my comfort zone so i wish to try becoming an HOS i would understand if i am denied the application but nothing in life is without risk.
Security experience (300 word minimum): My experience comes from a long time ago tough i am not the perfect person when it comes to security, i have much knowledge when it comes to many different topics like fingerprints, chemical usages, when a person is in serious danger or not, i do admit tough i do have bias sometimes when it comes to people depending on how they treated others during that round, good example being A recent detective round on goon 1 which the captain there was being unreasonably excessive tough i did help him when he was dying i wasn't doing so much otherwise to stop the fight between them until he was in crit then i intervened to help the captain out of crit. i do try personally to never try to be extremely excessive with antagonistic hunting and detention time unless they have intents on destroying the station, plasma flooding the station, being a changeling in general absorbing people, or has gone on a total rampage with a C-saber then its usually necessarily to lethal them but if they hadn't done much harm, or they are just pranking the station with some silly things great example being during the same round with the captain, a clown set up a machine which would constantly alert security to him passing barriers it was annoying for sure but he wasn't causing anyone harm and he wasn't breaching any areas he shouldn't which was fine by me the simple solution for me was to block the sec-alert system and watch over in case someone chucked an item in that would result in harming anyone using the machine, that is what i try to strive to be even if a wizard try's to murder the captain at the round start I will still try to let them go but with a small prison time of 1 minute no ones perfect not even me but i still strive to be the best regarding security measures.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Try not to be overkill when it comes to detaining someone, the people can be terrible calling you insults like "shit sec" you must always remember despite them calling your job terrible they never directly say it's you and if they are directly talking about you, try to ask them what's wrongs with your actions and see how you can resolve the problem to become a better security personal
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
One of my personal favorites was a long time back i forget exactly when tough but i do remember when a antagonist was breaking into armory and kept on failing constantly only to die due to the heat, or should i say the coldness of space we dragged him inside to security and we realized he had met another antagonist who was helping talking over the PDA or was helping with his antics so i suggested instead of telling him we were security we instead asked were he was currently, sadly the dude had to leave due to reasons but he did give us a certain location were he stashed all of his important items antagonistic or not and we secured it due to that, it isn't much i know but its always been a pride of mine to use that PDA to fake
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Personally its dependable on the other security personnel are at their job and if you have a head of security or not, usually its always good backup to have but depending on their moral compass on a certain antagonist, they can do much more drastic measures then you would normally allow, usually leading to peer pressure if there's no HOS and much more.. unwanted results but you always have people to be backed up with in case your out matched while in the contrary, being alone is much more stressful but in term there is zero peer pressure additionally speaking antagonists are going to be more confident on destroying the station with only one security personal which will usually lead them to doing more bold stunts which thus, makes it easier to find and detain them
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
A simple but amusing concept for me has always been clown security were all the officers would be wearing clown outfits and going around giving insane warnings but never actually doing anything like detaining or stunning anyone at most tossing a few cream pies at people repetitively doing a certain wild and stupid action while giving them a fine for doing so.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 1 permanent ban (appealed) given around march due a marco bombing early on CURRENT ONE 1 month ban from Goon 2 due to expected meta gaming (note the 1 month is merely a baseline and it is not set in stone)