08-24-2021, 10:49 PM
Usual character name: Khaaku Starbell
BYOND username: Nova_Hero
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Nova_#1113
Recommended by (if applicable): Chayot
Goon servers you play: Server 1 Heisenbee
Reason for application: Currently as a Security Officer, I feel like I do not have the proper authority to handle issues that occur within Security, such as an officer handling prisoners poorly, or harming innocents with little to no explanation. As a Head of Security, I know it would be easier to handle said people as other officers would not question as much as to why you arrested a Sec Off, despite their poor behaviour.
Security experience (300 word minimum): Since I’ve started, I have always wished to aid others through working as security. After my 5th round, I consistently played Security Assistant, making sure to actually read the book, and watch other officers perform arrests and searches. When I finally became a Security Officer, I decided to go out for patrols. Over time, I learned to notice what counts as odd behaviour, and would question people if I noticed what they were doing could harm others, preferring to use words yet willing to engage if they ran off or decided to fight.
Other than how I act, I have learned the way to properly search a prisoner and set a fair time for the brig. If the round is less than 5 minutes, I make sure to try to let them keep a few toys that won’t end up with the station blown up (too soon). Additionally, if the search ends up taking quite some time due to either distance or another incident, I make sure to change the time accordingly.
As for dealing with rogue security, I have learned how to handle them quite well thanks to some easily memorable run-ins. Temporarily disregarding mind-slaves, I realized that the best way of handling them was through a good talk about their behaviour, however if they are not willing to see to reason yet, bursting them with a taser and cuffing tends to give you enough time to bring them somewhere safer and more private, allowing for a better talking environment at the potential expense of making the officer more hot-headed. The primary way of handling mind-slaved Officers from what I’ve learned is to cut their implants out, making sure to count what falls out. All of security is guaranteed to have a health implant, ruling one implant out. The second may either be the actual mindslaver, or can be the cloning implant, necessitating checking the cloner, however records can be deleted so keep it in mind. If they have three, there is an extremely high chance they have a mind-slave implant. I’m having minor difficulty remembering, but I believe you can read what implant it is when placed inside of an implanter, helping determine if it is a deluxe or normal. Other than that tedious process, another way of handling rogue sec-offs is through simply killing them and cloning preferably through the disk to prevent accidentally cloning them as a thrall, changeling, or other poor alternative.
Besides handling internal affairs with security, I have also learned how to safely handle nonhuman antagonists. For vamps, it tends to be safer to just box it out until you can get a pin off, allowing you to cuff and brig. For changelings things get a tad more dangerous, however stunning them and putting them in the port-a-brig is a foolproof idea, given you have a relatively competent team that won’t immediately release them if you can’t explain fast enough, and can help you stun them and carry them to the proper brig as opposed to having a solo officer get stung.
Answer two or more of the following:
Another word of advice I’ve got is to not be afraid of handling internal affairs within security. It is extremely important that the health of the team is taken into account with regard to behaviour. If an officer is acting poorly, whether it is through stunning those they should not be, or through harming people despite their life not actively being endangered, be sure to give them a firm talk. Do not be abrasive if possible, as it can worsen the environment for everyone. Instead, be assertive and keep a clear head. If they have repeat offenses, don’t be scared to demote them, and make sure to communicate to other officers as to why you’re doing what you are, lest you wish to end up exploring space or work in the afterlife botany for the rest of the round.
The final advice I have is to not try to talk when you are in a fight, and instead just push the giant alert button and put up one hell of a fight for the enemy for as long as you’re still able to, even if you can’t stand or breathe. The time you spend trying to type a long winded message is free time for the opposition to either wail on you, or knock you unconscious, rendering your message pointless as you will be long gone from that area when backup arrives. Moreover, you’ve still got a pretty good chance to come out on top, rendering the backup officers as spectators to your brigging the target.
For a less generalized favorite moment, it would be when Echo Five rallied a large gang. Early in the round, I heard reports there was gang activity, so I relaxed a little as I figured no one mentioned the gang's intentions with regard to security, assuming the gangs would have no intention of fighting security just yet. After finishing a loop of patrol, I stopped with Nako in front of security as we had both heard gunshots. When we arrived, we saw a Detective and some people that seemed a bit out of place. I didn’t question the det as I believed he wouldn’t be a worry during a gang round, but I was completely wrong. When we tried to subdue those that the detective was engaged with, I got shot in the back from him. I ended up being caught, yet Nako managed to slip away. I was then cremated, yet got cloned by a doctor that heard the alert. I decided to put on an EVA suit and a mask to attempt to conceal who I was, then marched back into security as someone has just walked out. When I walked inside, I heard someone getting their head smashed in by the brig, so I knocked on the door and someone who was standing around with the detective opened it for me. When I ran up, I saw Nako caving the skull in of a rogue security member. I took my mask off, then we had a quick talk that got interrupted by someone tossing flashbangs. Nako tossed me two shotguns and a pulse rifle, from which we tried our best to fight every combatant. In the end, I was caught again and was promptly killed, yet Nako managed to slip away yet again, but was followed by another rogue security officer. As a ghost, I watched with interest as to how he’d handle it, and I got to see the enemy get their head smashed into the floor. As Nako tried to bring my disk to the cloner he bumped into Echo Five, the one that I believed was the detective who ran the gang, and they fought for some time, yet it ended with another person getting the drop on Nako, causing him to be stunned and cremated. As saddening as death can be, I was glad to be back with my brother as we got to grow plants together in the afterlife botany area. I enjoyed the entire ordeal a lot as I got to fight in an environment which is typically quite rare to encounter, with that being one where you do not know who will suddenly lash out at you. It was also pretty fun being able to fight officers, yet was a little saddening to know that what was supposed to be our team was not on our side.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
you will make it to dawn,
but if you decide to shoot,
your life will be moot.
Dueling Nako with Shinai
BYOND username: Nova_Hero
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Nova_#1113
Recommended by (if applicable): Chayot
Goon servers you play: Server 1 Heisenbee
Reason for application: Currently as a Security Officer, I feel like I do not have the proper authority to handle issues that occur within Security, such as an officer handling prisoners poorly, or harming innocents with little to no explanation. As a Head of Security, I know it would be easier to handle said people as other officers would not question as much as to why you arrested a Sec Off, despite their poor behaviour.
Security experience (300 word minimum): Since I’ve started, I have always wished to aid others through working as security. After my 5th round, I consistently played Security Assistant, making sure to actually read the book, and watch other officers perform arrests and searches. When I finally became a Security Officer, I decided to go out for patrols. Over time, I learned to notice what counts as odd behaviour, and would question people if I noticed what they were doing could harm others, preferring to use words yet willing to engage if they ran off or decided to fight.
Other than how I act, I have learned the way to properly search a prisoner and set a fair time for the brig. If the round is less than 5 minutes, I make sure to try to let them keep a few toys that won’t end up with the station blown up (too soon). Additionally, if the search ends up taking quite some time due to either distance or another incident, I make sure to change the time accordingly.
As for dealing with rogue security, I have learned how to handle them quite well thanks to some easily memorable run-ins. Temporarily disregarding mind-slaves, I realized that the best way of handling them was through a good talk about their behaviour, however if they are not willing to see to reason yet, bursting them with a taser and cuffing tends to give you enough time to bring them somewhere safer and more private, allowing for a better talking environment at the potential expense of making the officer more hot-headed. The primary way of handling mind-slaved Officers from what I’ve learned is to cut their implants out, making sure to count what falls out. All of security is guaranteed to have a health implant, ruling one implant out. The second may either be the actual mindslaver, or can be the cloning implant, necessitating checking the cloner, however records can be deleted so keep it in mind. If they have three, there is an extremely high chance they have a mind-slave implant. I’m having minor difficulty remembering, but I believe you can read what implant it is when placed inside of an implanter, helping determine if it is a deluxe or normal. Other than that tedious process, another way of handling rogue sec-offs is through simply killing them and cloning preferably through the disk to prevent accidentally cloning them as a thrall, changeling, or other poor alternative.
Besides handling internal affairs with security, I have also learned how to safely handle nonhuman antagonists. For vamps, it tends to be safer to just box it out until you can get a pin off, allowing you to cuff and brig. For changelings things get a tad more dangerous, however stunning them and putting them in the port-a-brig is a foolproof idea, given you have a relatively competent team that won’t immediately release them if you can’t explain fast enough, and can help you stun them and carry them to the proper brig as opposed to having a solo officer get stung.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Another word of advice I’ve got is to not be afraid of handling internal affairs within security. It is extremely important that the health of the team is taken into account with regard to behaviour. If an officer is acting poorly, whether it is through stunning those they should not be, or through harming people despite their life not actively being endangered, be sure to give them a firm talk. Do not be abrasive if possible, as it can worsen the environment for everyone. Instead, be assertive and keep a clear head. If they have repeat offenses, don’t be scared to demote them, and make sure to communicate to other officers as to why you’re doing what you are, lest you wish to end up exploring space or work in the afterlife botany for the rest of the round.
The final advice I have is to not try to talk when you are in a fight, and instead just push the giant alert button and put up one hell of a fight for the enemy for as long as you’re still able to, even if you can’t stand or breathe. The time you spend trying to type a long winded message is free time for the opposition to either wail on you, or knock you unconscious, rendering your message pointless as you will be long gone from that area when backup arrives. Moreover, you’ve still got a pretty good chance to come out on top, rendering the backup officers as spectators to your brigging the target.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
For a less generalized favorite moment, it would be when Echo Five rallied a large gang. Early in the round, I heard reports there was gang activity, so I relaxed a little as I figured no one mentioned the gang's intentions with regard to security, assuming the gangs would have no intention of fighting security just yet. After finishing a loop of patrol, I stopped with Nako in front of security as we had both heard gunshots. When we arrived, we saw a Detective and some people that seemed a bit out of place. I didn’t question the det as I believed he wouldn’t be a worry during a gang round, but I was completely wrong. When we tried to subdue those that the detective was engaged with, I got shot in the back from him. I ended up being caught, yet Nako managed to slip away. I was then cremated, yet got cloned by a doctor that heard the alert. I decided to put on an EVA suit and a mask to attempt to conceal who I was, then marched back into security as someone has just walked out. When I walked inside, I heard someone getting their head smashed in by the brig, so I knocked on the door and someone who was standing around with the detective opened it for me. When I ran up, I saw Nako caving the skull in of a rogue security member. I took my mask off, then we had a quick talk that got interrupted by someone tossing flashbangs. Nako tossed me two shotguns and a pulse rifle, from which we tried our best to fight every combatant. In the end, I was caught again and was promptly killed, yet Nako managed to slip away yet again, but was followed by another rogue security officer. As a ghost, I watched with interest as to how he’d handle it, and I got to see the enemy get their head smashed into the floor. As Nako tried to bring my disk to the cloner he bumped into Echo Five, the one that I believed was the detective who ran the gang, and they fought for some time, yet it ended with another person getting the drop on Nako, causing him to be stunned and cremated. As saddening as death can be, I was glad to be back with my brother as we got to grow plants together in the afterlife botany area. I enjoyed the entire ordeal a lot as I got to fight in an environment which is typically quite rare to encounter, with that being one where you do not know who will suddenly lash out at you. It was also pretty fun being able to fight officers, yet was a little saddening to know that what was supposed to be our team was not on our side.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
you will make it to dawn,
but if you decide to shoot,
your life will be moot.
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
- Draw a picture!
Dueling Nako with Shinai
- Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None, just some warnings