Head of Security Application: Luxizzle
Character Name: June Lockridge, Hiss Lockridge, Anyone with the last name Lockridge and HEX
BYOND username: Luxizzle
Discord username: Lux#0002
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Both roleplay servers

Reason for application:

I've played other heads and I enjoy the leadership role when I have the ability to be a trusted person people can ask for help, I might not have all the knowledge in the world and I might not be the most competent person for each position, but I can accept those weaknesses and always allow my crew to do what they do best. I'm personally not looking for a mentor experience, but a position people can hopefully easily approach for guidance, help or leadership in taking actions in the game and I'd like to be able to do the same with the security department.

Whenever I do play security, I always feel that its somewhat disorganized, with multiple people trying to take the lead. I always didn't imagine myself making this app, as it was not for me, but here I am. Now I'm just looking for a new a experience and feel I have somewhat the competency to take on the Head of Security role. New experiences and learning have always been what makes the game the most fun for me. 

Security experience:

Well my security experience started with a few lonely security rounds on the old RP overflow, they weren't that great and I probably didn't make the best decisions, but it was a good learning experience! I got everyone together once to group up on a captain that was using a sleepy pen on people with capulletium and successfully brought them back to centcomm as a team-effort.

After that I didn't play security for a while, I was overwhelmed and RPO, which I mostly played on at the time didn't have a lot of security players. I had to mostly get in the mindset that not everybody is nice or plays nice and as security you're often the first defense against griefers and self-antags for the rest of the crew.

After a hiatus though, I decided to change it up a bit. As learning security as human was still a bit scary to me, I decided to tag a long with security as a cyborg with the brobocop module as HEX, it allowed me to watch a bit from the sidelines while still being useful to them, updating security records, bolting doors, patrolling and reporting to security and do forensics work while security tries to find the actual baddie. I know at the time I also inspired a few other cyborgs do the same and I enjoyed seeing cyborgs trying to explore getting more involved with security work. I think its still where my love for security is, but I got a bit burned out by it as I played it a lot and at that point I wasn't the only one doing that anymore. And now I don't touch it a lot because the security assistants got that kind of position in the game and adding a cyborg to the mix which you can't pass through feels a bit much for the sometimes cramped security offices.

Nowadays I often join security as June, I enjoy the ability to have interactions with the entire station, both by physical interactions and social interactions. I might not be the best at combat, but that doesn't stop me from having any fun with the job and getting a situation under control is very satisfying, even if it didn't plan out the way you thought it would.

Interrogating crew is an enjoyable past-time, even when they're not arrested and you're just asking them nicely to come by security for a bit for a few questions because you had a distressed coworker of them come by. I think I might have actually had the best interactions with people willing to come by or me going to their workplace.

One thing I'd personally want to expand upon is what to do against criminals and what their sentence should be. Putting them in the brig and setting a timer is an easy answer, but I do often try to at least get a bit of an interrogation going in the interrogation room when I feel like the person will accept and play it out with me, and often if people play along and put up a convincing defense, I will reward them with letting them go immediately after or a lesser sentence. But this does not always come with success. I'm personally not a fan of exiling people to adventure zones and even demoting them, unless they are in a head position and they cannot be trusted with that kind of access.

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

Not playing security, but becoming one, as a clown!

This is going to be a bit of a ramble, It's been around a year since this round and i don't remember all the details, but It's still one of the few rounds that really stick to me and I want to thank Eris and the admin, which i can't remember the name of, at the time for giving me that experience as i was still very new to the game.

So the round started off very silent, it was actually my first round as clown and a character i made up called "Heisenclown". Eris at the time was playing Head of Security as Tooty and with some nuance asked if I wanted to join the security team, I agreed and they got me all geared up.
We come back into security and there's a nuke, just sitting there at the table. I cant remember exactly how or what happened in between, but next thing i know, I'm taking the nuke "for a walk", took them to all the departments around the station and brought them back to security.

The round was still quiet at this point and we got caught up in some other stuff. I come back to security and notice the nuke is missing, oh no! So I announce to security, that the nuke has walked away, we didn't feed it enough! So we all panic and start searching for the nuke, next thing we know, a detonation alert in... the armory! So we all huddle up in the armory next to the nuke, trying to calm it down. We all noticed that wasn't working and the timer was getting awfully low, so we panic and start hitting it with everything we got, hammers, bike horns, whatever. Luckily, it turned out to be a dud, but we did just lose our beloved nuke!

The round was almost ending at this point and we all head to the bar, Tooty walks up to me and says they are promoting me to head of security, I accept and take everything they give me, including the lawbringer. Tooty's next words were "Whatever you do, do NOT say 'I am the law'". Well you can guess what happens next right? "Say what now? I am the law?". And well, it didn't end well for poor Heisenclown, as they just made a big hole in the middle of the bar. As I was a puritan, the attempt at cloning me with my existing scan ended badly and the shuttle got covered in my bloody bits.

A bit of a sad ending, but everything that happened in that round, I'll fondly remember and Eris as Tooty made me realize that you don't have to take Head of Security too seriously, but play it good enough to keep your team together. I still believe that you shouldn't see the Head of Security as some kind of angel that is here to save us all.

What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?

I've actually already been working on a bunch of things actually, mostly cyborg changes for now.
  • Cyborgs twitch when stunned by flashers, just like humans do. Give more visual and audio feedback. I personally made this happen.
  • Cyborgs can get a Security HUD upgrade. I also made this happen!
  • Generally, traits should be copied over to cloned humans, that way you can keep security training as a trait and other roles would also benefit from this, like doctors.
  • More ways to fight subs / pods. I personally don't find pod-fighting a fun experience and the EMP mode from the wave gun got removed, which was a very effective weapon against subs on Manta or Oshan.
  • Maybe not allowing subs on ocean maps to drive over floors would be nice too. Or at least give them a huge disadvantage. As it stands its easy to just plow over people with them and create a lot of chaos. Destroying the sub will create a breach which isn't ideal either.
For the rest, I think security is in a pretty good position on the roleplay servers. I love the new additions to the vendor with the credits, only complaint i have there is that some maps aren't designed around it yet. Manta for example has enough forensic scanners laying around, its not worth getting it for a credit. And Manta barely has any paperwork lockers sitting around and i often have to ask other departments for their labeler so we can label our trackers, but these are all small nit-picks which I'm sure will be fixed or I'll even do this myself someday!

What advice would you give to other sec players?

Keep your cool, security can be very overwhelming. Don't feel like you have to be on your best all the time and if you feel like stuff is getting too much, take a short break. Do some desk work like sitting at a checkpoint or hop into cryo for 15 minutes (don't forget to announce you are going in, or they might get worried when you go missing). Its all a game and you should play it for fun, people can get on your nerves when you know they are not an antagonist.

And of course, don't be afraid to ask questions! We all started somewhere and as security you often have to be a bit "dominant" with people, but that doesn't mean we don't want to help you! We can take jokes and I personally love it when people involve security in fun bits.
You can never have the upper-hand in all situations and actually giving the upper-hand to your antagonist can also be fun for the antagonist!
And lastly, a really simple one, label your tracker so we can find you when you inevitably die out in space and we cannot clone you by normal means.

Draw a picture!

Bad art of my character? Sure.
Not open for commissions.

[Image: bad-june-art.png]

What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
A clown detective named "The Law" was a fun off-shoot of what I usually do, tried to be very intimidating, but alas, a clown can only be so intimidating. As a basically ex-main clown player, I enjoy mixing clown characters into wacky jobs.

Previous bans

None, zero, nada.
I've been nudging you here and there that I think you'd be a fantastic HoS, so +1 from me.

You're probably one of the people that plays Security that I've had the most experiences/rounds with, both when you were HEX and now as June Lockridge. I've seen you take the time to teach new SecOffs piece-by-piece, and in general you're very determined. You handle the good rounds and the bad rounds in stride and I respect and aspire to that. IC, you're a little tougher, but I think that's a nice balance for RP Sec that we could use just a little more of; especially since June's version of "toughness" is one that allows for fair, but unique punishments for crimes outside the usual scope of long Brig sentences and Borging. While those are useful tools, I think you have a nuanced understanding of how to drive a round forward and when it's appropriate to try and introduce a new interaction to the table. I'm really humbled by the rounds I've been able to work directly with you because they've always been, without exception, fun, full of interactions, and fantastic experiences for me to learn from.

I know it's been a bit since HEX was about, but I think that HEX's time on-station in the Fall is a little microcosm of all the good you could do given the beret. HEX (and June!) are dilligent, communicative, and cooperative characters. HEX inspired multiple other players to participate in the RP Servers in a way that was collaborative and constructive, whether it was as a helpful Home Team BroboCop, or the secretly subverted Security Borg that now was able to mull around Security and provide engaging antagonist experiences for non-antags to work with. Or even playing as a non-silicon on Sec, it was much more fun to know that we were always going to have a point person that cared about us and had a natural organizer and someone dedicated to promoting the team's well-being with HEX around. And that wasn't a thing that existed before you decided to do that! So I 100% think that having you in a role with more visibility in Security will do the same and only magnify good attitudes/good sportsmanship for everyone around you.

Finally, you very clearly care about the quality of not just antag experiences, or the experiences of the crew you're trying to help, but also the experiences of the people playing Security. You have given tons of input about map designs, loadouts, RP-Sec attitudes, and in PR contributions and comments; it's very evident you care a lot about the role and making sure everyone in and around it is playing to the best of their abilities.

I'd really, really look forward to having Lux as HoS.
Lux is one of the better security players I've seen on RP in terms of ability and RP, they always seem level headed, are active on sec radio, and engage with people in the situations. They are a great leader and a very good example for new sec officers to follow, especially because they don't suck the fun out of the game for antags too. They're who I aspire to be like when I start regularly playing security and I really hope we see HoS Lockridge!
Throwing my +1 in. The Lockridges and HEX have always been great to interact with, and I can attest to their levelheadedness while playing Security.
I hardly ever get to play with Lux, but that's one of the reasons I support them for HoS: they are online during hours when so many other whitelisted players (including myself) are not. Every time I do get to play with their characters, I have great interactions! They are dedicated and not harsh, and try to get people engaging with one another to keep a story going, and that's something that I really admire, especially in a security officer!

HEX of Security! +1
I don't see any of the lockridge family or HEX as much as I'd like to, but they're always great when I do. I've never been part of or heard of a bad interaction with them, and they seem to have great knowledge of the role. +1
+1, honestly too tired to write too much but I can say I'd trust them to be good and responsible as an HoS.
+1 from me, I generally only get to interact with security when i play security so i've had few sec interactions with Hiss, but I know how you play outside of that job and how you handle the synth roles so well.
Been too long since we've played together! Lux is fantastic, has a great attitude, and has always conducted themselves in a great manner when I've interacted with them ingame. Reliable and competent, just who NanoTrasen trusts with the keys to the kingdom.

Aw man, all the good officers are getting HoS and they're leaving me behind!

+1, Lux's conduct is great, and I have no problem relying on them. I'm excited to see them in a leadership role. If only they played more!
Haven't played with you much lately, but I have really enjoyed my interactions with you when I had that opportunity. You are good at deescalating, communicate with your other officers, and know the department well. I would trust you with the beret. +1

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