About the PR
Removes the ability for Captains on the RP Servers to roll antagonist roles **EXCEPT** for conspirator.
Why's this needed?
Requested by people repeatedly from time-to-time for RP specifically with concerns over balance and the way the role was used in rounds; also provides an additional trustworthy and sort of "meta-reliable" Command role as the in-game leader of the station that has potential to help coordinate and improve overall interactions and events during RP rounds. Leaves conspirator as a potential antagonist roll since conspirator goals are relatively mild compared to other gamemodes and often shake out to be more fun with better coordination and access to materials to pull off the gimmick. This PR comes after some discussion on the Forum and in Discord from about a month ago.
About the PR
Removes the ability for Captains on the RP Servers to roll antagonist roles **EXCEPT** for conspirator.
Why's this needed?
Requested by people repeatedly from time-to-time for RP specifically with concerns over balance and the way the role was used in rounds; also provides an additional trustworthy and sort of "meta-reliable" Command role as the in-game leader of the station that has potential to help coordinate and improve overall interactions and events during RP rounds. Leaves conspirator as a potential antagonist roll since conspirator goals are relatively mild compared to other gamemodes and often shake out to be more fun with better coordination and access to materials to pull off the gimmick. This PR comes after some discussion on the Forum and in Discord from about a month ago.
(*)Captains on the RP servers can now only roll conspirator as a potential antagonist type.