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Revert TTV patch
as of today, server was updated with
`TTVs now actually equalize gas between the two tanks instead of shoving it all into one tank`
I think that this patch is uncalled for and makes several features way harder - namely single tank bombs, that rely on TTVs to give the real explosive power to them. It also stealth-nerfs TTVs, making it harder to reach the cap.
I have yet to test this out. Its always very touchy when people mess with atmos and gases coding. Wonder how my TTVs will work now
TTVs are now more difficult but max caps are still possible quite easily. I feel like the behaviour of a transfer valve working as an one-way pump is pretty unintuitive. If we do want to keep it I'd rather have a separate handheld pump item for that or something. And honestly single tank bomb code doesn't make sense at all currently.
I'll wait for more opinions and if people feel like this change sucks I'll revert it.
old behaviour was unintuitive and feels exploity to me. new behavior is how you would expect everything to work if you didn't know some really arcane shit.

This does mean TTVs have to be more precise to hit the cap, but that feels like a Good Thing to me given how fast they are to make and replicate, even after the change. the most important factor has always been finding the correct oxygen ratio, volume didn't matter nearly as much for hitting the cap.

single tank bombs will definitely be harder to make, true, but I think that's a good thing given that the old behavior made them near straight upgrades to double tank TTVs for less effort. you can still overstuff them but at least you'll have to mess with it a bit more instead of it being magic.

Overall, new behavior sounds like a fix, not a nerf

edit to add:
Dunno if this matters to anyone, but my ttv setup after the fix still takes only 7 minutes and results in an 11x11 blast.
It is absolutely a fix but when the broken behavior is more powerful, it's a nerf, too :P

That being said, I think both TTV bombs and single-tank bombs need some work. Single-tank bombs don't even involve atmos at all and tank bombs are extremely unintuitive still.
I messed around with it a bit more:

i genuinely think that single tank bombs are more interesting after this change. getting more plasma into the tank while keeping it mostly pure is legit hard, and I'm enjoying the challenge.

coupled with the fact that ttvs are more precise but also now have a larger cap to reward you for being more precise, this feels like an overall improvement to toxins research's gameplay loop.
I rather think this change is exactly a step in the right direction that Toxins has been needing for a long long time!

This allows for experimenting with different gas combos and stuff to see if maybe there's a better way to go about making a bomb rather than straight plasma and makes it so not just any chump can walk in, fill a tank full of heated plasma and be instantly rewarded with a tool of mass destruction.

In terms of single tanks, I haven't messed with them just yet, might edit this post or make a new one when I do, but if it has nerfed them I'm all for it, they should never have been as powerful as a TTV but yet more easily mass produced considering they don't require a valve to make.
Memorising the One Way That Bombs Work is bad. Having a system that reacts in expected ways is good design, even if it nerfs bombs. As people learn the new behaviour you'll be exploding every round again, I'm sure.

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