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rebalancing and reworking things
i am of the opinion that instead of just getting rid of X feature or gutting X feature and making it worthless i think that it can be reworked (or in other cases where X item is clearly superior maybe X item isn't the problem, maybe items W, Y and Z could be improved) 

like for example the old tried and true busted-ass c-saber and cloaker combo. if the cloaker for example could in time become caked and covered in blood, covering the invisibility field with blood (leaving you looking like a man made from blood) and required washing might change how this item is used and how situations involving it are approached. it might make someone want to use a gun and compared to a c-saber there is significantly more counterplay when you're being shot at as opposed to getting hit once, you're stunned, and dead within the span of 5 seconds. 

i also think the mining pod driller could be reworked in a similar way that would prevent it from being just used as a cheesy way to murder people on the shuttle. as it's designed for drilling rock and not people i'd imagine that it could get gunked up and overheat and stop working/moderate cooldown between uses. again this would make people who use this as a murder tool to re-think how they would approach situations where they'd want to use this and create significant counterplay options as victims would not die instantly.

lastly i am once again going to take a shot at goonstation's sacred cow: chems. i think having a freshness system where they would be more/as potent when they're used shortly after they are synthesized, and if enough time passes they become stale/spoiled and have much less potency and effect. again this would change how people approach using chems and deathchems and would incentivize them to work quickly instead of sitting on a pile of insta-kill chems for the entire round. it would also create some counter play to 'lol u ded' instakill chems. with this i am not saying that all chems would or should have the same time it'd take to spoil, and some could actually become more useful if they've spoiled. i was inspired to type this last bit out about chems after i saw that the combat system had been reworked recently and how stuns have been changed. 

in closing i do not think these are the only things that could be rebalanced or reworked, just a few things that have come to mind as i've typed this.
Spoilage times for chems sound like precisely the kind of continual, large-scale checks that pyrosium used to cause whenever it was foamed or smoked.

For the sake of server stability, please no.

Edit: pod drill rigs got moved to late game equipment because they enabled you to trivialize an entire mining department with just a single pod, NOT because of their efficacy in murderizing people
if that's the case then why not make graduating tiers of mining drills or ones that are better at drilling for certain kinds of ore. or is mining just always meant to be time consuming? you can trivialize a lot of other jobs so i wonder what the big deal about mining is
That would be interesting!

I'd be cool to somehow tie the effectiveness of pod drills into the materials system.
Nerf Chems 2018
I like the idea of a cloaking field being ineffective if you’re covered in blood/piss/whatever. A blood stain walking through the station isn’t very stealthy.
i reckon the csaber should emit light somewhere around candle brightness and would be visible even with a cloaker

so if you got a nerd running around with an active csaber and cloaker you could possibly notice it, and if they stand near you and activate then you could hear it

also pods cant enter the shuttle anymore so that reduces the chances of rock drills bring some super grief piece of shit unless you decide to go to great lengths to put reinforced floors down

i mean you could hunt down some poor ass miner with pod phasers too. so where rock drills are at now, being locked behind some arbitrary material requirement, is pretty alright

bring back rock drills 2018

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