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Bloody footprints never dry
Normal, plain old blood pools will eventually dry, but bloody footprints will always be considered wet. This causes two problems: The footprints are always slippery, and the blood can get on your shoes, resulting in more footprints, resulting in more slippery tiles until a single papercut results in all of medbay, the cafeteria, and escape being impossible to pass without slipping at least once.

Also I noticed that dried blood, while not slippery, can still cause you to leave footprints, resulting in slippery tiles. Fix this too.
Fuck.. good spot.
I was wondering why station was always so bloody (more so than usual)
okay i looked into this

so the dealio is they do dry, they don't add the dried prefix though

however if you get any more blood on existing blood it becomes wet again and thus trackable

basically don't get any blood on your dried blood

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