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Gibbing causes pills to leave bloodstream and reform
So after ingesting a few pills and proceeding to fart on the bible this occurred.

You swallow Get drunk quick pill pill.

You swallow the crank pill.

Billy Crystals farts on the bible.

A mysterious force smites Billy Crystals!

Billy Crystals has been hit by Billy Crystals's right leg.

Choo Choo McBoogie has been hit by Billy Crystals's heart.

Choo Choo McBoogie has been hit by the waistcoat.

Billy Crystals has been hit by the clipboard.

Choo Choo McBoogie has been hit by the crank pill.
I forgot to mention that these were not in my pockets, or active hands.
They obviously hadn't dissolved yet.
That could very well be the case. I would like to note I have achieved this result as nuke ops after taking the suicide pill while on deaths door.

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