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This was in construction mode.

So I built a lattice by hitting space with rods. Then I made it into a barricade by hitting it with more rods, which I didn't even know that was a thing, I was trying to make a catwalk. Then I hit it with more rods and it became reinforced. Then I hit it with a welder and it turned into rods with no material, and left behind steel space. Space, but made of steel somehow.
They also don't make a sound when breaking anymore.
Material space is created by the lattice and yes, barricades are a long long forgotten feature. I'll fix the no material rods, but frankly I find the ability to materialize space hilarious.
Erebite space
UrsulaMejor Wrote:Erebite space

My jaw dropped seeing this, then laughed out in a evil maniacal tone at the endless possibilities of erebite space tiles.

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