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Lack of cooperation/coordination
Admin name: All of them
Server: LLJK EU 4
Date/Time: Several times
Synopsis: The admins really lack coordination and cooperation. I have been talking with one about something wrong i did other one says hes gonna mute me and third one bans me. seriously they dont know what eachother is doing
Log: Nope
Extra Information: You should really make admins have their actions more coordinated and not have one ban a person while another one says hes just gonna mute him.
Hello, I ended up banning you because I was scrolled up and missed Bunmo actually dealing with you. We definitely took it to heart, however and will try our best to improve coordination.

That being said, the ban sticks because you've broken a very simple and very important rule several times and you have been warned for it in the past.
Also could you please stop thinking im adamkad1? He is my brother and it pisses me off that you think we are same person. we use same computer so you might think it but please dont.

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