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Mechanic Components Ideas
So I have some ideas for some components for mechanics which could be pretty fun to mess around with:

Currency/Money Detector:
Set a certain amount of money for it and when that much is placed into it then it will send a signal. Signal would be triggered for every X amount of money put in. If a set signal is sent to it then it will eject the money, or you can just right click>remove money. Mechanics could set a code on it so that people can't steal money from it.

Item Dispenser:
Vending machine-looking component that can be filled with various objects. Could either be set to dispense a random object at random when triggered, or could dispense certain items when certain signals are sent to it (how that may work is it has a certain amount of set compartments and whenever you put an item into it then you will be asked to which compartment it should go in).

ID Scanner:
Mechanic can set what access the scanner will accept with an ID. They can not set any other access that the ID they are holding does not have. This could work two ways:
a: See if the ID meets any of the set ID accesses. If so send signal (So say the id scanner was set with kitchen, bar, and hydroponics access. If somebody with any one of these on their ID card scans it then it will activate).
b: See if the ID has all of the set accesses. If so send signal (so if the scanner was set with engineering, mechanics, and qm then it will only send if the ID has all three of those).

Anyone else have neat ideas? ALSO it would be nice if somebody could make a detailed guide to all the components we currently have.
With the ID scanner, someone could hack doors by figuring out what kind of signal it emits and then using another component to fake it.

I actually think it's probably cool. If you can figure out what a captain ID's signal looks like, you should be able to get past most doors with a wrench, a omnitool, a microphone (or a wifi emitter of some kind) and the door.

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