What if emeraldenergy was a HoS? (like what if that happened)
Usual character name: Kira Hunt / SQUARE / Makes-The-Mistakes / GABI3
BYOND username: EmeraldEnergy
Discord username (if you are on our discord): orchidscollective
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 3 sometimes 4 depending on how the population goes

Reason for application: Sometimes when security lacks leadership, it can get VERY disorientating and VERY confusing for the other officers, and I often see mistakes being made because of lack of communication or lack of guidance. Its important that all players - Security, the crew, and antagonists alike - have an enjoyable round, and if security is making errors that can be helped by adding another person to oversee it all, I think I want to help be that person, yknow?

Security experience (300 word minimum): My experience in security started about uhh.. maybe 3-3.5 years ago? (Maybe four, I dont keep dates or anything) It was I think a few weeks after the security assistant role had been added, which convinced me to give it a shot. Little did I know that would be the start of a very long security career for little old Kira. I've been involved in many admin shenanigans, and I have dealt with all number of antags under the sun. I've played security almost daily for quite a while now, and though I did have a few months break from goonstation recently, I jumped right back in since my return. In my personal opinion, and I am always open to constructive criticism and feedback, I think I do an okay job. I have been told by many people, HoSii and regular officers alike, that my presence as a player brings a sense of calm to the chaos. A lot of the duties of a HoS I already implement, such as overseeing and conducting investigations, teaching newbees, organising the team when its in disarray, and giving advice when it is needed. 
Some of you may have already seen me playing with the red beret, which is due to my mentor status, which gives me HoS whitelist on Thursdays. On recommendation from HoS whitelisted players, I've been using Thursdays to test the waters and see how I fair. I must admit, it is a tricky thing to get a hang of, having everyone looking directly to you for answers, which was a little overwhelming at first, but I've become accustomed to it. 
One issue that some may think of is that occasionally, every now and then, a shift may become too overwhelming and I find myself not enjoying it at all. It doesn't happen often, but I think its important to put myself first, and respectfully, I dont want grey hairs over silly farty space game :P

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    I have a few! a) Everyone has a different way of handling a crisis and thats okay. I think you should source your wisdom and get your advice from many different types of people. No two players are going to have an identical approach. An example of this recently was when I had a shift where the captain wanted advice on whether or not to execute a prisoner. I gave them my thinking, and another player gave theirs, and the captain came to an agreement. I was honoured that they respected me enough to ask, and while the captain did take the advice of the second officer, the rest of the team wanted to side with mine. While I was planning to discuss this in a civil manner with the whole team + captain, the Captain was murdered in cold blood by a separate person, so we decided to not execute them. I think its important to value both sides of the argument and to genuinely understand where your counterpart is coming from. 
    b) Admit when you're wrong, and say you're sorry. Everyone makes mistakes, and when I do, I seek out the wronged party, explain my side of the situation and apologise. 9/10 times the other person understands and we move forward having strengthened our bond. They say apologising makes a friendship better? I dont know, Im not a philosopher.

  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. Working solo isn't something that happens often now, with Goon 3 and 4 being relatively high population, but it used to happen quite a lot a few years back. While my performance back then does not reflect my performance now, as I have grown considerably, but I have  had a few shifts where Im working in a pair. 
    When Im working with a large team, I like to sit back and let the other officers and assistants take on the larger cases while I supervise and give advice where required. Its a fantastic time to teach newbees, and I often bring rookies along with me to "shadow" as I work, involving them  in the process of arrests, interrogations and sentencing. On teams where I would be on my own, or with one other officer, I take charge and tackle the problems as they come. Obviously with heavier case loads there is less time for RP with other crew members, but if they need help and I cant do it at that very moment, I always seek them out directly after to assist them. I dont believe that any case should be less or more important- and though some take more time and resources, each crimer should be looked at with the same care and attention.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13. 

    Kira in heels
    Chasing the dirty clown
  • Who is this diva

  • Assistant, so pure
  • Learning the ways of sec
  • Gets eaten by changeling

  • Lets not beat the clown 
  • No matter how insane
  • They are crew aswell

  • Got hit by toolbox
  • Chaplain demands my blood
  • Why do I work here
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): no bans, but a few warnings

Oh and please be very honest. I want advice so I can be a better officer, or hopefully HoS. Thankies :>
I would like to voice my support for Emeralds application!

Emerald regularly has their finger on the pulse of how the round is playing out, whether its as Kira or as Square, In so many rounds where I have been an antag, they have been lenient and merciful where needed or brought a tempered fire when I have been rampaging.

As an AI Emerald has allowed antag behaviour balancing alerting the team to appropriate threats while including the entire station and keeping them informed.

Kira communicates a good amount on radio general frequency whether its banter with staff or traitors and regularly is seen patrolling the station interacting with departments so their character is well known and received by all.

On speaking for their temperament, I believe in RP knowing when to and taking losses is one of the most important parts in story telling and how gracefully you take that indication of personal character, Emerald excels in both, I have observed so many rounds where they have died popped up as a ghost and made jovial comments.

As an Antag Emerald has delivered a variety of performances whether its delux mindhacking a couple of people or running as a changeling and can change their approach effortlessly to how the round is flowing, They have a good station knowledge, layout and knowledge of antag abilities from both sides as playing against or as an antag.

I've seen Kira Hunt in the HoS uniform running security and leading the team from time to time, its a good fit and would be a welcome addition to the station as a more full time available HoS.

Emerald is someone who is already from my observation and experience, a very well respected player and character and well known within the community.
Emerald plays well with others. She is considerate and reasonable. She is a positive round influence and community influence and never seems down.

When I am in security she is one of the officers i am always excited to get.

She's also a mentor so its shown she is trusted enough to be a hos anyway.

Full support.

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